Chapter 91.

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•August 29,1989•

We got back to Neverland and Michael ran straight up the stairs and to our room.

I giggled and shook my head going into the kitchen and grabbing the cupcake I had Kalani bake for Michael. It had a single lit candle on the top.

I walked up the stairs slowly and carefully and finally reached our bedroom door.

Quietly turning the knob, I poked my head in to see Michael sprawled out on the bed.

"Hey Mikey, I got you something." I whispered

He sat up and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

I walked in, and revealed the cupcake as I walked toward him.

"I'm aware of your beliefs honey, but Happy Birthday." I smiled nervously. 

"Baby, I've broken so many rules that comes with being a Witness, including one about something before marriage.." He laughs causing me to blush deeply.

"That I'm sure a cupcake won't hurt. And plus, I was thinking of converting anyways." He shrugged.

I simply nodded, not wanting to question him.

He took the candle, made a wish and began to eat the cupcake.

"Wow it's so good." he muffled with a mouth full of cupcake.

"You want?" He offered and I shook my head no, chuckling.

He shrugged and finished off the cupcake and layed back down on the bed. Seemingly in thought.


I layed back down on the bed, content with the cupcake.

I'm very thankful and appreciative of Caitlyn for doing all of this for me.

Honestly, this is the most I've ever done for my birthday, and I can't lie... I loved it.

It felt strange but it also felt good.

Caitlyn layed down next to me and placed her head on my chest.

"I love you." She whispered

I smiled widely.

It was surprising to me how those three simple words, could mean so much.

Every time she said it, I felt this immense amount of love.

I felt as if we were never going to end.

Whenever Caitlyn told me she loved me, I got butterflies and I felt as if I was falling in love with her all over again.

It was just the kind of effect she had on me.

And I loved it.

I smiled at her and kissed her sweetly.

She placed her head back on my chest and I felt her smile as we layed there in comfortable silence, taking in each others scents.

We both began to drift off to sleep, but before we could I lifted Cait and positioned her under the covers so she was comfortable.

I stared at her, taking in all her beauty.

I kissed her forehead, smiled and whispered

"I love you so much more."

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