Chapter 25.

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We walk in to the restaurant and the first person I see is Michael.
He looks amazing. He's dressed in a red button up shirt, black armband, black slacks and of course white socks and black penny loafers.
Marie asks me to follow her towards him but I decide not to and find myself walking towards the bar section.
I sit at a stool but don't order a thing.
"Hey." a man next to me says.
Ignoring them I fiddle with my fingers.
"I said hey." I look over and see it's Dylan. I roll my eyes, he's always hitting on me at work.
"You look great." he says scanning my body.
"Um, thanks." I say nervously as he stares at me making me uncomfortable.
"Uh- I think I'll head back over to Marie now."
I stand up and start to walk away.
"Come here!"
"What?" I ask annoyed and turn around.
"I think we should go out sometime."
"I don't think we should." I say turning away only to feel him grab my arm tightly.
"Ouch. Dylan your hurting me."
"Shut up. Don't you dare yell!" He growls at me and pulls me into an empty nearby room.
As soon as we're in he takes a hold of my wrists and kisses my neck.
"Please, please don't do this." I beg him.
"I've been waiting to this for so long Caitlyn."
"Dylan! Let go of me right now!"
He hushes me as he kisses my neck roughly.
He holds both of my small wrists in his rough, dry hands as his other one slips down my back.
Feeling him fiddling with the zipper I pull away and he gets angry and grabs my wrists with both hands again, this time alot tighter.
"Let go of me you jerk!" I yell.
The door swings open.
"Caitlyn!" I hear someone yell. I look over and see who it is.
"Oh god Michael! Please help!" I yell.
Dylan's grip on my wrists gets tighter.
"Dylan! Stop it! Please!"
"Shut the fuck up!" he yells in my face before turning to Michael.
"Get out of here! Don't you see we are in the middle of something?" Dylan screams.
"Just let her go!"
"How about you just mind your own damn buisness."
"Stop hurting her!"
"Who's going to make me?" Dylan says back.
He turns to me, twisting my wrists causing me to wince in pain and close my eyes.
Everything after that happened so fast. Michael charged at Dylan, tackling him to the floor causing me to fall over. My wrists burning and aching from Dylan squeezing them and twisting them. The mark from my braclet in my skin.
I look up and see Michael and Dylan in a full out fist fight.
"Stop! Your hurting him! Stop it!"
I scream, seeing as they are badly hurting each other. I try to rip them apart from each other but it's no use.
"Michael! Oh god, please stop! Please stop this! Michael this isn't like you! Please! Stop!"
Realizing my screams and pleads aren't going to help Michael in any way I run to the door and yell at the top of my lungs.
I know Michael didn't come alone.
"Dave! Paul! Frank! Anybody! Please help!"
I watch Dave and Paul rush towards me but I don't wait to explain I run back inside as they follow, as do many onlookers from the party.
As soon as they see the fight on they run to Michael's aid.
I cover my eyes, afraid to see.
Soon I the room falls quiet. I can still hear the people whispering and murmering amoungst themselves.
I feel an arm around my shoulder and uncover my eyes. Once I see who it is, I lean my head on them.
"Marie this is all my fault!"
She wraps her arms around me and strokes my hair softly.
"Shhh, Caitie. Come here. I'm sure it's not your fault, okay? Here, let's go to the bathroom and clean you up and you can tell me everything."
I do as she says and when we're in the bathroom I explain what happened.
She comforts me and assures me it wasn't my fault, although I know it obviously was.
She fixes me up and pulls my hair into a ponytail so I feel more comfortable.
We head out of the bathroom and I feel dizzy and weak. I stop for a moment and lean against the wall.
"Caitie? Are you okay?" Marie questions.
I wave my hand at her,
"I'm fine. Just felt like throwing up for a sec there. I'm fine." I assure.
We continue to walk and I can barely see. Everything I look at is blurry. I look over to Marie who is yelling something but I can't make out the words. It looks to me as if she's mouthing everything.
People gather around me as I try to figure out why.
I see most of them are saying something but yet, no words seem to come out of their mouths.
The world around me starts to spin quickly and again I feel nautious.
I blink slowly feeling my eylids get heavy. I feel as if my legs could no longer hold my body weight and were going to snap.
"I-I'm fine" I stammer.
The last thing I remember before everything around me goes completely black is repeating Michael's name again and again.


Woah. She like passed out or something? Anyways Michael got in a fight! For Caitlyn! So loving. Find out what happens next! And don't worry you'll know why they haven't talked in years very soon. I promise my Moonwalkies. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a good day! ~L.M.F.M <3


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