Chapter 59.

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You know when everything's actually going good and everything seems perfect at the moment and you feel as if nothing can ever change it?

Then you get that- that feeling that somethings not right? Like something is going to happen or something is going to go bad?

Your mind can't really give you an image of what's coming up because well.... It doesn't know... you don't know.

You wish you did but there's nothing you can do it about so you shake it off or try to push it to the back of your mind but all the while you subconsciously wait for whatever it is to happen.

I know that feelings all too well.

And here I am with that feeling creeping up on me.

Suddenly thinking it's Caitlyn or something is wrong with her condition I snap my head in her direction to see nothing wrong.

Or it seems that way. Physically there's nothing wrong.

Everyone's sitting around Cait, preparing to say goodbye soon since they have other places to go and things to do and let's be honest- nobody wants to be in a hospital room all day.

Surely enough that annoying feeling that had been creeping up, finally came around causing a shiver down my spine.

I looked at Caitlyn worriedly. I knew it had to do with her.

I hope it's not with her, but I just have that feeling.

But there was something different about this feeling. I didn't know what it was though. I couldn't put my finger on it.

When there was a knock on the door, I was expecting the doctor to come in and tell us the results.

I hope that is what the feeling is about.

But when the door didn't open soon after the knock I knew it wasn't the doctor.

When the door began to open, so dramatically slow, as if someone was debating on whether or not to enter I stood and took a hold of Caitlyn's hand, keeping my eyes glued on the door.

And once the door opened completely and I saw who stood there I sighed, confused and knowing this was what the feeling was about.

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