Chapter 78.

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•May 20,1989•

I honestly didn't know who was at Dunk's house, so when Cait looked at me for an answer, all I could do was shrug.

We got out of the car and knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it.

When nobody answered it, I became annoyed, because I knew she was obviously in there. She had guests over.

I knocked again, and waited impatiently.

"Janet hurry up and unlock the door." I yelled, knocking louder.

"Geesh Michael, I'm coming. Stop being so damn impatient." She yelled back.

She finally opened the door and smiled, pulling Caitlyn in for a long hug.

"Girl I missed you so much. I have sooo much to tell you! I'm glad you're here." She squealed and Cait just giggled.

"Yeah, I missed you too Dunk." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Oh hush, why are you so impatient today?"

"What took you so long to answer the door?"

"I was finishing up setting the table. Oh! That reminds me, dinners ready." She smiled and all I could do was laugh.

We walked inside and I put my arm around her as we walked in, kissing her temple.

I missed Dunk, we were always so close.

We all sat down at the table ready to eat the food she sat out for us and I noticed there was an extra plate.

I began to eat and right before I asked her about the plate I saw a man round the corner and kiss her cheek.

My eyes darted in his direction and my fork dropped.

"Janet. Would you like to introduce me to your friend."

As her older brother, I was quite bothered by this.

Not because she didn't tell (although that did hurt) this meant she was growing up. Well she was already grown. She was a woman now. But she was still my little sister, and this meant she was leaving. Not literally but I know this would mean even less time together and that meant yet another piece of my heart being taken.

"I'm Shawn, Shawn Miller." He introduced himself.

"Michael Jackson." I nodded I stared intently at him.

"Have I seen you before?" I questioned, he seemed oddly familiar.

"Oh um yeah, you were at Elizabeth Taylor's party. She's a close friend of my mothers. She's like an aunt to me. That's where you and I met. And she's the reason Janet and I met."

He explained and I just nodded.

"So are you two dating or what?" Caitlyn blurted, then covered her mouth.

Shawn smiled and looked over at Janet.

"Well, we aren't official yet, but we're something." She said and smiled at Cait.

We made small talk for the rest of the evening and I concluded that I, in fact, didn't have to threaten Shawn to leave my sister alone.

He was a very kind man and he seemed to respect Janet. They seemed to really care about each other.

I won't say love, because Janet can only love our family, Caitlyn and me of course.

But if I have to admit it then yes, I think there's a slight possibility that they may love each other.

Needless to say, Janet seems very happy. And that's all that really matters to me.

We bid them a goodnight and carried on back to Neverland. Caitlyn fell asleep on my lap and I placed my hand on her stomach.

I finally felt a small kick and I was overwhelmed with joy. The baby would be here so soon, and my excitement and nervousness grew everyday.

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