Chapter 76.

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•April 5,1989•

Caitlyn making peace with her father was one of the most beautiful things I've seen. The way she said things and how she was so strong was simply beautiful.

I was so afraid that after all of the explaining about her mother she would lash out and tell me she hated him or not forgive him. But she surprised me, in not only forgive him, but accepting him back into her life.

It was a beautiful thing to witness and I'm glad I was able to help their once non-existent relationship with one another.

It's finally April, Caitlyn is 17 weeks pregnant. She's very scared because although the baby is clearly still there, she hardly feels it kicking. The doctor explained the baby is still healthy and this is just due to the placement and position of the baby and placenta. So we shouldn't be worried.

The surprise I have is still being planned. Hopefully it'll occur in July.

Today though, Caitlyn is feeling under the weather. She doesn't want to get up or move or anything.

She just wants to stay in bed, and who was I to blame her?

Her belly grew, her feet were aching and so was her back, and she put on some more weight, which still didn't bother me.

It was only apart of a beautiful process.

Despite all this, Caitlyn kept a positive attitude and she didn't have mood swings.

I lay my hand on her cheek and she smiled up at me. I'd been trying to get her up out of bed for the longest. It was a beautiful day and I just thought going for a walk would do her some good.

She finally agreed, changed and we headed outside toward the garden.

We walked in comfortable silence, hand in hand.

But soon I could tell she wanted to say something.


"Yes Cait?"

"How are your brothers? I haven't talked to them in a while."

"They're doing well. They miss you, I was just on the phone with Randy the other day."

She nodded.

"Can I ask you something?"

I giggled at myself, I was right.


"I don't want to sound... hmm, how do I say this, I don't want to sound rude. Or pushy, or make you worried or stressed. I don't want-"

She was rambling, like she always does when she's nervous.


"Oh, right. Um I was just wondering when we were going to have a wedding."

I looked in her eyes and embarrassment flashed through them.

"That's if, we'll have one. I mean, we don't have to. I just thought that's what you wanted. I'm sorry. It's okay if we don't, I mean if-"


"Caitlyn calm down. Baby, of course we'll have a wedding. I want it to be huge, so I can show you off to the world. But, we need some more time. Is that okay?"

"Yes it is. And Michael it doesn't have to be all that big you know?"

"I want it to be. I want everyone to be here, for you, for us. I want everyone to witness us tying the knot. I want to declare my love for you in front of the world. I want everyone to know that I love you, and that you're off limits."

I winked and she giggled and we continued our walk until she got hungry and her feet were beginning to hurt again.

She insisted that we keep going, that it wasn't a big deal, but I knew she was tired.

So, we headed back inside, ate and watched movies for the rest of the evening and through the night.

It felt as if everything was finally falling into place once again. We were finally happy.

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