Chapter 22.

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"Hey girly! We have a meeting today with an artist who wants to use one of our models in his video. He already knows which one." Marie beams.
"When is the meeting?"
"It was called in last minute but it's in half an hour..."
"Really? Half an hour? I need the information."
"Here you go"
She slides a folder across the table and as I open it she states
"That's the model he wants to use. I'll be there to discuss the fashion of course," she says flipping her long londe wavy hair playfully
"and you'll be there to discuss payment options and ideas for the video."
"Fine. Who's the artist."
"Sorry Caitie all I got was a 'Mr.Jackson'"
"Alright no problem. See you in half an hour."
"Oh and Boss Man will be there too."
I wink at her as she walks out of my office.
Yup! My office. Marie spoke to L.T.F for me and convinced them to transfer me to this buliding with her!
I look down at the information about the model and some of the ideas the artist has come up with.
This is a tough one
I say as I jot down some ideas.

~Half An Hour Later~

I knock on Marie's door and wait for her to come out.
When she finally opens the door she has multiple pencils and sketch books in her hands.
We walk to the elevator and push the 10th floor button.
"MC, is all that really neccessary" I laugh pointing to her things.
"Caitie, this is a big project! Of course it's neccessary." she frowns.
The doors open and we step out walking towards the meeting room.
Before I open the door Marie stops me.
"What?" I ask.
"Smile. Remember? Mr.Boss Man said be friendly. Put a smile on your face and lets go."
I laugh at how ridiculous she's being and enter the room.
I place my stuff down and notice the artist has not arrived yet, so I begin to speak to Marie and Mr.Jacobs, "Boss Man", about my ideas.
"And if he doesn't like that idea maybe we could-"
"Excuse me, but Mr.Jackson has arrived" the lady from the front desk says cutting me off. We all stand and I wait curious to see who this artist I will be working with is.
My eyes grow wide when I see him, and his do the same.


Woahs, they're suprised to see each other aren't they? You'll never see this next part coming, or maybe you will. But I know it's gonna blow your mind, I think. Anyways I hope you enjoy and have a good day Moonwalkies, ~L.M.F.M <3


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