Chapter 82.

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•July 15,1989•

Mama, La Toya, Rebbie and I have been shopping around for what seemed like forever.

It wasn't really that long. It was only an hour or two. It was probably not even noon yet to be honest. We had left Neverland very early because they said we had a lot of shopping to do.

And because of Michael.

We bought so many clothes and perfumes and such.

But not once did we touch Michael's money.

I hadn't physically been to work in a while but I was still working from the computer. And I would send my drawings and ideas by mail, so I was still getting paid.

It'd been a couple hours now and I was no longer waiting for Marie.

She had called and said she couldn't make it, which I was okay with.

"Okay, last stop before we go back to my house. Okay Caitie?" Mama asked me.

"Yeah, okay." I nodded.

I watched as the limo pulled into the back of a big store. When we walked in the racks were filled with beautiful dresses.

They were never ending.

"Why are we here?" I asked still gazing around the store.

"You need a dress for tonight, to go with the surprise Michael is planning for you."

I couldn't do anything but smile and nod.

Rebbie headed to left, La Toya to the right, while me and Mama K went straight down the middle and started looking for dresses.

"This is kind of hard when I don't know what the event is." I stated trying to get any information out of her.

"Hmm, good point. Go sit." She said pointing to a seat near the dressing rooms.

"What? No! But I was just-"

"No buts, no questions, no explanation. Just go sit. The girls and I will take care of this."

I huffed and went to go sit as I watched them pick out various dresses.

They all walked over to me, each of them with their hands full of dresses. All of which I had to try on.

I sighed.

"Well I could use some help."

We all laughed and went into the biggest dressing room available as we went through each dress, one by one. Until we came to the perfect dress for the occasion.

Of course I didn't know it was perfect for the occasion only they knew that, but I thought it was simply beautiful.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

"We'll be taking this one." La Toya told the cashier who began to ring us up.

Of course, they refused to let me see the price. They knew if it was expensive I would put it right back and refuse to wear it.

Once that was over with we got back to Mama K's house and had some snacks.

It was now around 2 or 230 and I thought we were just going to rest and hang out for a while, but man oh man, was I wrong.

They quickly, but gently, pulled me upstairs to the guest room equipped with a Vanity mirror and got straight to work.

I told them not to cake up on the makeup and they listened. It was soft makeup, still a full face, but soft. My eyelids were a beautiful rose color with some gold glitter on the insides of the corner of my eyes. They had filled in my eyebrows, which were already threaded to perfection. They then applied that rose color onto my lips except this one was much deeper and rich and it popped out. I was very satisfied with the look.

Mama K, helped me into the dress, while the girls did thier makeup, then a robe was placed over it as I was pulled back to sit in front of the Vainity to start my hair.

They curled my hair then twisted two sections from the front all the way to the back then twisted and pinned them together.

They walked out of the room and I ran my fingers through my curls to make them more natural looking.

I stepped out and Mama K's eyes immediately filled with tears and she covered her mouth.

La Toya and Rebbie followed suit.

I blushed at their reactions and smiled.

"You look stunning." Mama K whispered.

"Thank you. All of you. I wouldn't look like this if it weren't for you."

We all embraced each other in a hug and they were off to get dressed. They said we would need to be at the Neverland by 630ish.

They got dressed very quickly since they already had on makeup all the had to do was change. They all walked towards me smiling rather suspiciously.

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