Chapter 32.

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I hear the front door open and run down the stairs.
Finally! Marie's here.
I invited Marie over for the day, since lately i've been feeling a little bit depressed.
It's been about a week since i've talked to Michael.
When was the last time I talked to him?
Last Saturday. About 10 to 11 days.
Yup it's Tuesday of the next week and I still haven't talked to him. He still hasn't 'proven' a thing.
I didn't have to work today so I invited her.
Marie usually meets me in the kitchen when she comes over so I head that way. Before I enter the kitchen I hear someone on the phone in the living room.
Being the usual nosey and jealous girlfriend I am I eavsdrop.
"You said it would be here in 2-3 buisness days!" I see him shuffling through some mail. His eyes widen as he reads one envelope.
"Ummm, funny story. I recieved it. Thank you. Bye." He hangs up quikcly and opens the envelope.
Who was on the phone? Why was he looking for that specific letter? Why is it important? What does the letter say? Who is it from?
I move my thoughts to the side as I hear Michael tearing open the envelope.
His eyes scan the print then they get glossy. A couple of tears stream down his cheeks.
What's wrong? What happened?
Although I'm mad at Michael, I still care. I walk into the living room and walk towards the couch keeping a distance between us.
"Ba-Michael? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask softly.
He looks up at me and smiles.
Then he runs towards me as fast as he could and lifted me up spinning ne around.
"Michael put me down! Stop it!" I laugh.
He does as I ask and sets me down.
"Caitlyn! Caitlyn I told you I would prove it."
"What? Prove what?"
He hands me the letter and I read the top.
Paternity Test
Michael's name, Breanna's name and the doctors names are signed at the bottom.
Michael isn't the father of that unborn child.
What have I done?
Your so stupid.
I sit on the couch and cry.
"Cait? What's wrong? It says I'm not the father." Confusion is clear in his voice.
"I'm so sorry" I whisper.
I feel him sit next to me and wrap his arm around me.
"I don't understand..."
I stand up and run my fingers through my hair, frustrated at myself.
"Don't you see what I've done!?" I yell.
Michael slowly gets up.
"Baby.... What are you talking about? Calm down."
"I CAN'T calm down Michael! I accused you! I thought Breanna was telling the truth! I didn't even believe you! I didn't have the trust we should have for each other! I ignored you, for over a week Michael! I didn't talk you! I didn't come out of my room. I didn't eat! All because I thought you were in the wrong when really I was! I-I... Oh my... Michael I hit you! I can't believe I hit you! I'm so sorry!"
"Caitlyn! Calm down!" Michael yelled. I realized he'd been calling my name throughout my whole outburst.
"Wait. Did you just say you didnt eat?"
"I did. Just not everyday."
"Cait! Why!?"
"Michael, did you even here what I said? I'm so sorry. About everything."
"Caitlyn, it's not your fault. I don't blame you. I understand why you were mad."
"Yeah. And I forgive you."
"You aren't just saying that?"
"No Caitlyn. I forgive you."
I throw my arms around Michael's neck as he picks me up and hugs me back tightly.
We stay in a hug for what seems like forever before he puts me down. I keep my arms around his neck and he leaves his hands on my waist.
Soon our lips are locked in a passionate kiss.
How I've missed his lips. His hugs. His smell. His voice. His sillyness. I've missed him so much.
I ruined it for us this time. I won't ever forgive myself for this.
The kiss is getting more and more heated as Michael and I move onto the couch. Our hands wander each others bodies. He pulls away and starts kissing my neck. A small moan manages to escape my lips before I can hold it back.
He returns to my lips before we hear someone clear their throat.
We quickly jump to our feet to see Marie.
"MC! Hi!" I say nervously
"I see you and Michael are back on good terms." she says smirking.
"Um, yeah" I chuckle looking up at Michael who's face is still red.
"Well. Michael Jackson and Caitlyn Hendricks please follow me. I'm starving!"
"Come on Babe. We're going out for lunch." I say to Michael.
"Okay, I'll call the limo."
Marie heads out to wait for the limo and I follow. Before I get out of the living room I feel Michael spin me around to face him and I wrap my arms around his neck again.
He leans in nibbles my ear.
Without warning I feel his big hand on my rear causing me to gasp.
"I'll go get my hat. We'll finish this later." he whispers in my ear then walks away leaving me alone.
Marie and I get in the limo and wait for Michael.
I can't help but smile to myself knowing Michael and I are on good terms now.


Yay!! They're good now! How cute. Michael's such a tease. Idk I feel wierd if i have to write a mature scene. Idk why. I just can't picture Michael... In that way. Idk i'll try if you all want me to. Let me know. Hope all you Moonwalkies had a good day today & if not hang in there. It gets better. Remember someone cares. Always ~L.M.F.M <3


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