Chapter 15.

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It was now around 7 or 7:15 P.M.
I loved the time I have spent with Michael. We didn't say much to each other but I loved it anyways. But now I was sleepy and I was freezing to death.
"Michael?" I said as a yawn escaped my mouth.
"Yeah Cait?" He asked giggling.
"Um, I don't want to sound rude or anything really, but I'd like to go home now."
"Alright. I'll call Dave."
He got up and extended his arm to me, helping me up.
After about 10 minutes, 'Dave' pulled up in a limo.
Michael opened the door for me and I climbed in and I thanked him as he got in right behind me.
As soon as he shut the door he kept his eyes glued on the floor.
I leaned closer to him and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
"What was that for?" he asked me, looking up and blushing
"Thank you... for staying with me." I said as I lay my head on his shoulder.
I tried to stay awake, but I couldn't.
The last thing I remember before I drifted off to sleep was Michael say something to Dave about "leaving".

~Next Day~
I wake up with the sun in my face. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn.
I look around and notice I'm back in my apartment.
Did Michael bring me here last night?
How did he get in?
I shrug it off and get up and walk to the bathroom.
I quickly shower, put my robe on and brush my teeth then walk to my closet and find something to wear.
I decide on a more comfortable look and outfit so I pull on some jeans, a sweater and boots.
I glance at the clock and see it reads 10:30 A.M.
Shoot! Today's Monday! I'm late for work!
I run from my room grabbing my keys and running out the door.
I head to my car and drive as quickly as I can to my job.
I run inside the buliding and turn around and make sure the boss hasn't seen me.
"Pssst. Marie!" I whisper-yell.
Marie turns her head towards me and gestures me over.
"Girl, where have you been? You were supposed to come in at 9!"
"I know! I know! Where's Boss Man?"
"He's left to a meeting at the Square Garden this morning at 8:30."
I sigh in relief.
Your lucky this time.
I walk to my office across from Marie's and sit at my desk, organizing my papers.
"Boss said he wants you to fill these papers out though" Marie says placing a stack of papers on my desk.
"Alright thanks Marie. I'll do it in a minute."
Marie is a fashion designer here at Latest Trending Fashion or L.T.F.
As for me, I fill out the paper work for the models, big projects and magazines. The good part? I get to work alongside Marie in some projects.
I shuffle through the papers and seperate them into different piles depending on what need to be filled out.
Marie runs into my office just as I sit to fill them out and still outbreath says
" back." she swallows before continuing
"Meeting, right now! In the fourth floor conference room!"
I quickly get up and run with her to the elevator.
We both know the fourth floor conference room isn't always the best place to be.
We go inside the conference room, only to be told to wait outside with the rest of the employees until we were called. Marie and I looked at each other, we both know what this means.
I hope we don't get fired.
I need this job, more than anything. I can't afford to lose my job.
I barely pay my bills with this job. It isn't the best paying, but I need this job.
Marie must have noticed my worry because she placed a hand on my shoulder
"Hey? Caitie, don't worry, okay? We'll be fine. It's gonna be okay."
She gave me a weak smile trying to comfort me but I could tell she too was worried about losing her job.

Will Caitie lose her job or Marie? Or both of them? "WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN!" you may be asking. Don't worry my Moonwalkies, for you will find out in the next chapter! Love you all, Have A Nice Night. ~L.M.F.M <3

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