Chapter 63.

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"Get out now!" Caitlyn yells at Donovan.

I watch as the red tint from her face flushes away causing her to became a bit pale.

Her eyes become droopy and I can tell she's ready to just give in.

"Hang in there Cait, please."

She closes her eyes and shakes her head no, as tears run helplessly down her face.

She's giving up.
She no longer wants to hold on.
I'm losing her.
The love of my life is hurting, she's in so much pain.
All of these emotions are going through her.
Everything is pressuring her and she can't take it.

And right now all of it is because of this man.

The one man (other than me) who is supposed to protect her and love her, is the one who is causing her all this pain.

Anger builds up inside of me.

"I think it's best if you leave." I say through gritted teeth at Donovan.

"I'm not leaving. She's my daughter. I have to-"

"Nothing. You "have to" nothing. The only thing you have to do is leave."

I say walking towards him with closed fists.

He's the reason she's in this condition right now. She was doing so much better. She was pulling through, this was going to be behind us very soon.

But now? Now she might just be right back to where she started.

Or maybe worse. At least the first time she still had the will to go on. To not give up. To fight whatever was happening.

But now all that's down the drain.

All because of him.

I look back at Cait, her breathing is staggered and the heart monitor starts beeping slower and slower.

My eyes widen in realization of what's going on and I react as quickly as I can.

I run towards the bed and press the button near the bed, which informs nurses if we need assistance then I run to the door and start yelling for someone to help, Donovan just runs towards Caitlyn.

My bodygaurds Bill and Nathan come running.

"Sir what's going on?" Nathan questions, catching his breath.

"It's Cait! Get the doctor!" I yell.

Nathan runs to get doctors.

"Michael what the hell happened?" Bill questions but I don't respond. I can't.

Nurses finally run in along with a doctor quickly starting procedure on Caitlyn. Then another doctor along with Nathan.

Neither doctor leaves they just both help each other with tubes and needles and writing stuff down and liquids and monitors and it's all a hectic mess.

I can't imagine what Caitlyn's going through. Or the baby.

I try to walk towards Caitlyn but the nurses push me back.

"I'm sorry Mr.Jackson but we need to run procedure and tests on her but before we continue everyone must leave the room. She needs to be well rested, kept calm and the doctors need everyone out. We've already cleared one of the waiting rooms for you."

One of the nurses explains.

"No! I'm not leaving! She needs me! My baby needs me! I have to be here!"

"She'll be fine. We'll take good care of her."
I feel the nurses push me back gently, and Bill and Nate start to pull me back.

I know I'm not winning this tug of war.

"Caitlyn baby, hang in there! I love you! Take care of Caitlyn! And our baby! She's carrying our baby!" I yell as they lead me into the empty waiting room.

I look up, fuming with rage.

"Get Donovan the hell out of here. Now!"  I yell speaking to Bill and Nate.

I watch as they go to grab Donovan but he puts his hands up, defeated.

"Please, call me when she's better. I didn't mean to cause any of this. I love her. I can explain everything. I'm sorry."

He walks out.

I sit in the seat and sigh heavily.

"It'll be alright Michael, I know it." Bill assures me.

I nod letting him now I heard him, but in all honesty I don't believe him. Things just bever go my way.

I slump down and put my fedora over my face allowing the tears to just flow. I've been trying to stay strong for Caitlyn, but right now it doesn't matter.

I break down, crying and sobbing to myself.

I cry into my fedora hoping all this pain will just go away.

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