Chaper 79.

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•June 23,1989•

I sat on the studio floor, drenched in sweat, holding my head with my hands.

I'd been here all morning and all through the afternoon and now the sun was beginning to set.

Caitlyn had been sick for the past couple of days and it worried me so much. I just kept thinking about everything that could go wrong.

Not just with Cait but with the baby as well. She's been to get checked up regularly, and everything seems to be normal but I just hope nothing goes wrong.

I pray nothing goes wrong.

Today, I didn't have the strength to see Caitlyn layed up in bed feeling sick. She was recovering but it did hurt to see her in that state.

I did mean to go check up in her when she woke up but I got dragged into my dancing and I just lost track of time.

I heard the floor creaking but didn't look up to see who it was. I feared it was Kalani, or one of the maids coming to tell me Caitlyn didn't do so good this morning, or today for that matter.

I closed my eyes and hoped for the best.

I heard a soft sigh, then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder pressuring it as they lowered themselves onto the floor. I felt a head rest against my shoulder and lay there.

"Hey Michael." She whispered.

I instantly wrapped my arms around her with no hesitation.

"Are you feelings better my love?" I asked looking into her eyes.

She nodded.

"I'm sorry I didn't check on you today, I got distracted. I should've-"

"Michael don't worry about it. It's good that you took a break. You deserve it. I'm glad you were, hopefully, able to relieve some stress."

She played in my curls then used the towel that was on my shoulder to gently wipe away the beads of sweat all over my face.

She was so delicate with everything she did. When she was finished, and I was finally able to make her eyes meet mine, she leaned in and we shared a passionate filled kiss.

"Come on, let's get you showered and into some non-sweaty clothes so we can have dinner." She smiled.


Once I showered and ate, Caitlyn decided on cuddling up and watching movies.

Of course that didn't last too long before Caitlyn's eyes began to droop and struggled to stay awake.

"Caitlyn, go to sleep if you're tired. It's okay." I assured.

"'No Michael, I want to stay up with you."

I clicked off the TV , leaving us in the darkness and she layed her head on my shoulder.

"Michael, I can stay up with you. Really- I can." She stated then yawned.

"Baby, go to sleep. I promise I'll fall asleep with you."

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you awake alone."

"I promise. Just close your eyes. It's okay."

"Okay." She whispered and soon she was fast asleep.

Her fatigue really got to her sometimes but I didn't mind. She was peaceful in her sleep so, that was good.

I began to feel tired myself, and of course with the help of Caitlyn's warmth against my body, and her soothing scent filling my nose I was able to fall asleep with her, like I said I would.

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