Chapter 50.

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•February 15, 1989•

It's now been a whole week since the first time I threw up, and everyday after that was the same way. I actually got kind of used to it.
Wake up? Vomit.
After dinner? Vomit.
Middle of the night? Vomit.
Certain smell? Vomit.
No apparent reason? Vomit.
Michael had insisted that I go to the doctor everyday but I refused and refused.
I felt bad. Not for myself but more for Michael.
He had to see me so ugly and smell that horrid smell when he held my hair back and I knew he was just sick and tired of it. I felt so bad.
I decided I was going to the doctor yesterday when I had to stay in bed all day, Michael attending my every need, when I was at my worst I felt like, and had an attitude. The worst part? That's how he spent his Valentine's Day.
Today, if I threw up and Michael asked me to, I would go with him to the doctor. And of course, I threw up, and Michael made an appointment.


The doctor agreed to see Caitlyn as soon as possible.
I knew there was something going on with Caitlyn. Not just because of her early morning and late night throw up sessions, but because I could feel it.
I know Caitlyn felt bad for me, for whatever reason, but in reality I didn't care about the situation I was put in, I just wanted her to be okay.
We got to the doctors office, where I filled out some paper work as we waited for the doctor.
"Mr. And Mrs. Jackson?" I heard a voice call.
I smiled hearing "Mrs.Jackson".
"The doctor will be with you soon." The tall lady smiled and pointed towards the room.
Soon enough the doctor walked in and introduced himself as Dr. Ernest Banes.

He asked Caitlyn multiple questions.
"I think I know what's going on. But I want to make sure. Caitlyn... I believe you may be pregnant. Here take this-" he handed her a blank white box.
"You are more than welcome to try it here. I do advise it so if you are, I can help with the next step." He stepped out, I'm assuming to let Caitlyn and I discuss it.
She didn't say a word, she just headed off to the bathroom and soon came back. We sat in silence, and as we waited Dr.Banes came back.
She looked at the pregnancy test, then at me, then the doctor.
She didn't have to say anything for the doctor to know.
"Please follow me." He said smiling and we did as we were told.
We went into a room that had a different kind of- vibe, or atmosphere. Whatever it was, it was weird.
The doctor had Caitlyn lay down on the bed and lift her shirt.
Before beginning he asked if it was okay for him to check the baby and Caitlyn agreed.
Checking the ultrasound, made Caitlyn hold my hand as tears ran down her cheeks.
We're having a baby. This is real. This is happening.
"Well by the looks of it, the baby is about 10 weeks old. I'm surprised you didn't notice sooner."
He smiled and told something to the nurse who left the room.
He congratulated us and shook my hand. Soon the nurse came back and simply nodded her head at the doctor.
"Well, I'm referring you to a doctor who can help you more than I can, she's very sweet and she's in the building next door. I'll give you her number so you can call and make an appointment."
After thanking the doctor we left and headed back off to Neverland.


Once we were inside Neverland and back in our room, I couldn't contain my excitement.
"Michael it's happening! It's really happening! Can you believe this?" I screamed, smiling.
Michael only giggled.
"A baby Michael!" I continued "We're having a baby! I'm so excited! I can't believe it! Oh my! I bet they'll have your beauty Michael! Oh babe, this is the start of out new lives! Michael!!!!".
"I had a feeling you were. There's nothing that could have made me happier. I'm so glad youre okay. I'm so glad you're carrying my baby. It is my baby, right?"
"Michael why would you ask such a thing!? Of course it is!"
"Just teasing baby. I'm so happy, I can't wait to see our little baby."
I laughed "Michael, 10 weeks is only like 2 months. I'll be caring him around for 7 more!"
"You think it's a boy?" Michael smiled
"Yes, I think so. Call the doctor! I want an appointment as soon as possible!" I yelled suddenly remembering.
"Okay okay, geesh I'll be right back." Michael whined plugging his ears playfully.
I smiled and looked down at my still not protruding stomach.
"Man, I can't believe this. I'm going to love you. And you'll have the best life. I know it.!"
I layed in the bed saying sweet things to the baby I just found out I had.
I was already so attached.


Wellllll there ya have it Moonwalkies! Do you think it's really a boy? Or is it maybe a girl? Find out soon!. I hope you all had a very good day and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Comment my loves! ~L.M.F.M <3

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