Chapter 46.

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°January 27, 1989°

Michael runs off the stage waving goodbye to the fans and blowing them kisses.
It's officially done.
Today is the very last day.
The Bad Tour is over.
I run and jump into Michael's arms
"Baby that was great!"
"You think so Cait?"
"Of course I do. You're the greatest at everything you do." I say winking at him.
He laughs and carrys me into his trailer.
I sit and wait while he finishes changing.
"Okay beautiful? You ready to go home?"
"Of course I am baby."
I smile and look and Michael while getting in the car.
We head off to the airport finally heading back home.


I play in Caitlyn's hair until she falls asleep in my lap.
She's done so well and gotten so far.
She no longer needs the meds or therpy or rehab. She's clean.
My baby is safe.
I smile down at Caitlyn, happy that we'll be able to spend more time with each other now.
We've been through so much in such little time.
We both deserve a break from everything.
We pull into the airport.
"Cait. Wake up baby. We have to get on the plane now."
"I just want to sleep ." she whines.
I chuckle. "I know baby. You can go to sleep on the plane again. Okay?"
"Will you play with my hair?"
"If you want me to."
"Okay." she says slowly getting up and out of the car.
I can't wait for her to be mine. Like really mine.
Officially mine.
Soon it will all be perfect.


Hey Moonwalkies! I'm back! I'm sorry I've been gone so long! Even tho I promised I was back. I'll have so many more chapter done! And I'm working on 2 new books for you! They'll be great! This wasa filler chapter,loves don't worry alot more to come. Be ready for a lot! Hope you all had a nice day.
Michael I just wanted to say I love you so much and I miss you and I think about you everyday my beautiful baby. You're the the best. Never ever forgett that. You are nd will always be loved. ~L.M.F.M <3


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