Chapter 56.

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"Me?" I ask, highly confused.

"Yes Michael. I need to apologize to you. I've done things to you and said things to you that I never should have. And I know that hurt you. I'm sorry. I know I pushed you very hard, but please believe me when I say my intentions were good. I wanted you to be the best you could be. Someone I could say I'm proud of. What I never realized is that I was already proud of you. Your drive and ambition and the love of learning you had was something beautiful. I was proud of you for just being.. Michael Joseph Jackson... for being who you are. Michael, I'm proud of you for being, you.  Working hard to make what you want possible and striving to be what you want to be. I just wanted to make you better. Help you in every possible way. Michael I'm so sorry. All the wrong I've done to you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry also that I'm just now realizing all of this."

I look at Caitlyn and she nods and smiles.

"I..." I search for the right words.

I sigh knowing I couldn't find enough words.

"Joseph I- I forgive you." I mutter, really truly meaning it.

He takes my hand and chuckles

"I wasn't done, with my apology but we'll talk later, in private."

"Son. I love you."

My eyes widen.
He. He what!? I mean I knew he did he's my father. He had to have some kind of love for me. But wow... To hear him saying it so openly means alot.

He brings me into a hug and I hold back tears of joy.

"I do too Joseph.... dad."

We exchange smiles and Caitlyn giggles.

"Excuse me, but Ms. Caitlyn has to have some test run, visiting hours are over for today, but you're more then welcome to come tomorrow if she's feeling alright." A nurse explains.

"Alright, well I'll be going then. Caitlyn get better soon. I'll try to stop by tomorrow. Michael get some rest. I'll see you both tomorrow." Joseph says walking out of the room.

We watch as he leaves.

Today was... Interesting.
Alot of mixed feelings were brought up today inside me.

I try to make sense of all this until I hear Caitlyn wince.
I glare over at her and the nurse and see she's placed a needle in Caitlyn's arm and began to remove blood.
I look at the tray and see a couple more needles and tubes.

She hates Needles.
I shake my head smiling knowing this means she's going to squeeze the heck out of my hand.

Anyways, I can't stress the events of today right now.
It was an exhausting day for not only me but for Caitlyn and now she's going through procedure and having test run.
She needs me right now.

I smile and squeeze Caitlyn's hand letting her know it's going to be okay.

She smirks, then looks beside her at the tray and sighs, knowing more needles are going to be involved.

I giggle at her reaction.

She looks up at me feeling another needle be inserted in her arm.
Instantly tears form in her eyes and she squeezes my hand.

"I'll be okay. I'm okay." She reminds herself and gives me a crooked smile trying to hide the fact that the feeling of the needle pinching her skin doesn't hurt.

I smile at her.

"Everything's going to be okay."

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