Chapter 27.

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I didn't say anything as Caitlyn finished her story. None of it was right. That's not what happened.
"You want to know something Caitlyn?" I asked but she didn't answer. I sank down to sit next to her as she held her knees to her chest and burried her face.
I wish I could hug you. And kiss you. And love you. And make you feel alright. Erase all this pain your in.
"Rosanna, she- she told me a whole different story."
Caitlyn looks at me confused, still crying. It pains me to see her this way.
She burries her face again, waiting for me to continue. I swallow before starting.
"My brothers and father, when we got back, were informed by Janet and my mother that you couldn't be found for weeks. We looked everywhere for you. We called you, L.F.T New York, Marie, they all said they didn't know anything. Obviously Marie lied though. We didn't know anything about what happened with you, or why you left and we just couldn't get in touch with you. Rosanna came to us and said you had called. She told us that you said you wanted nothing to do with me anymore or 'The entire Jackson family' for that matter. She said we shouldn't try to contact you because you moved on from me and didn't want to be bothered. So I decided not to try to contact you anymore. I was heart broken. I couldn't put the pieces together. What did I do wrong?..."
I trailed off and saw Caitlyn was staring at me. She layed her head in my lap and cried as I stroked her hair.
"It's not true Michael! None of it is! I would never leave like that! I cried for weeks and weeks. Michael it wasn't true." she cried out.
"And you should know, what Rosanna told you isn't true either."
"She lied to us both Michael. She seperated us. She won. She got what she wanted."
She lifted her head and stared into my eyes. Her eyes seemed sad and lost.
I leaned my forhead against hers.
"It doesn't matter. I still love you. I never stopped Cait. I love you."
She cupped my face and leaned in.
Her soft lips met mine and we shared a sweet and loving kiss. We were in perfect sync. It sent chills throughout my body.
She pulled back and bit her lip.
"I-I love you too Michael" she said.
I pulled her into a passionate kiss. She pulled away and laid on the floor. I climbed ontop of her and gave her another kiss. She smiled in the kiss. I moved my lips from her sweet ones. I let my hands wander her body freely and kissed her collar bone softly.
"Michael, stop" she stated through giggles.
I gripped her thighs tightly and kissed her again slipping my tounge into her mouth.
A moan escaped her mouth.
"Michael?" she asked panting softly as I made a trail of kisses on her body.
"Michael, I missed you too. But it's not the time or the place to do this."
I giggled realising she was right and climbed off of her helping her up.
She gave me a tight hug.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too Cait."
I lead her out of my room hand in hand ready to explain the situation to the family.
I can never lose her again. I love her.
I stopped when we reached the middle of the stairs.
"One question."
"Go on."
"Are you still my girl?"
She smiled up at me sweetly.
"Of course I am Michael."
Then we procceded.
She's mine. She's my girl. Forever. I can't be away from her. Her smile, her laugh, her love, her personality, the way-
Caitlyn stopped at the bottom of the stairs and interupted my thoughts about her.
"Yes love?"
"One question." she asked mocking the tone I had used.
"Go on." I giggled.
"You are going to fire Rosanna, correct?" she asks.
"Of course I am Caitlyn." I mocked and she laughed.
We then walked into the living room and began explaining this stupid situation that kept us apart and heart broken for so long.

Blooop. So now you know! Idk i feel like this chapter is wierd. It's okay I am too. School was fine. Now I gotta think of the next chapter... Have a good rest of the day guys! "Keep your head up" Moonwalkers. Always remember that. ~L.M.F.M <3

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