Chapter 37.

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°November 16, 1987.°

I roll over in the bed and instead of feeling warmth I feel the coldness of the sheets.
Where's Michael?
I push myself to get up and brush my teeth with a toothbrush Michael left for me.
I walk over to Michael's drawer and grab another shirt and a pair of his boxers.
After my shower I change into Michael's clothes, pull my hair into a messy ponytail and head down the stairs towards the kitchen.
Instead of seeing Michael, I'm greeted by a brunette woman.
She sees me and stops cooking, smiling at me.
"Hello. You must be Ms.Hendricks?"
She asks still smiling.
I nod and smile back.
"Yes, but please call me Caityln."
"I'n Michael's chef, Kalani Smith. Breakfast is ready."
She pushes me a plate with pancakes, bacon and sausage links.
I smile at her and start to eat it on the island.
"This is food is amazing! Thank you Ms.Smith."
"Please, call me Kalani."
I nod my head and finish chewing my food.
"That's a very beautiful name. May I ask where it's from?
"Thank you. It's hawaiian and means 'the sky'" she smiles warmly.
"That's very unique. Are you Hawaiian?"
She chuckles and takes a seat in front of me.
"I was born in Chicago. But my mother is Hawaiian and my father.... Well I think he's caucassian. Where are you from?" she smiles weakly.
Instantly I know what she meant by "I think he's Caucassian"
"Kalani, it's okay. I didn't know my father very well either. But to answer your question I was born in New Jersey then moved to Indiana then to New York. My mothers Dominican and my dad is Caucassian and Puerto Rican."
"Well maybe we can learn more about each other. I don't have many friends..."
I smile at her and nod.
"I'd love to have a new friend Kalani."
She smiles widely at me before we hear a voice behind me.
"I see you've met Kalani." the voice behind me says.
I turn around quickly and see Michael.
"Oh yeah- I have."
He walks over and places a sweet kiss on my lips.
"Well lets go."
"Go where?"
"Out. It's a surprise."
"Michael seriously, you always insist on taking me out when I look bad."
He smiles and looks at my attire.
"I see you've found where I put my underwear. Well Dave and Paul just returned from Hayvenhurst with our clothes."
"All of it?"
I smile and place a kiss on his cheek.
"I was getting comfortable in your clothes already. I'll talk to you later Kalani." I say as I jog to back to the room to get dressed in my own clothes.
Quickly I slip into a white tank-top and a burgendy 'mini' skirt. I pull on a light blue button up shirt, leaving it open, then my white flats. I pin my wavy hair to one side then apply some lipstick that matches my skirt and a bit of mascara.
"Yeah! I'm in here Michael." I yell from the bathroom.
"Cait why is the light off?"
I shrug.
"Forgot to turn it on. Guess I was in a hurry. Either way the light from outside shone in."
"But I'm done now..." I interupt as I walk around him and down the stairs.


I couldn't help but wonder why Cait had changed and gotten ready in the dark.
Well not dark to say, the light was shining in. But still..
Sighing I made my way downstairs and towards Cait.
"Ready babe?"
"Yeah." she said not sounding to excited.
I waited for the limo to pull and helped Cait into it before stepping in my self.
The whole while there Cait looked out the window or down at her feet.
She looks.. lost or sad.
I hate to see her like this.
If only I knew why, I could try to fix things. I could try to make her feel better.
I just want the best for her. I want her to be happy.
"Excuse me? Mr.Jackson sir? We're here." the driver says.
"Right. Thank you, please call me Michael." I insist for the millionth time.
He nods and turns back around.
I rush out of the car and help Cait out.
"You look beautiful."
She looks at me and smiles, and the twinkling in her eyes returns as she blushes.
"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself."
I smile and we make our way towards the door.
"Michael, why are we here?"
"The children Cait. We're here for the children." I respond simply as we enter the Children's Ward in the hospital.
As soon as we walk in, the Children smile and run our way, tackling me with hugs and kisses on the cheek.
I hug and kiss each one back.
The nurses here are used to seeing me as I come by alot.
The Children lead me to where they were coloring and seat me in one of the small tables handing me crayons and paper.
I watch as they color. They laugh when they make a funny picture and it's the cutest thing ever.
I never get tired of seeing them smile and they never get tired of doing so. They aslo never get tired of coloring. They finish one, show it to the nurses or anyone around, hang it up, grab another piece of paper, a different crayon, get back to work and repeat.
I glance up looking for Cait and see as she's sitting with some of the other kids and listening as they take turns reading to her.
I smile and I can't help but furrow my eyebrows a bit.
Those kids she's with, they're so shy and quite. Of course they give me hugs but they always go off to the side and do their own thing.
It's not like they want to be distant, they just have a hard time opening up to new people and warming up to them.
Took them a while to talk to me even.
When they do they only give shy smiles and an occasional nod.
But with Cait, they seem so happy and open, they don't seem shy, they seem to forget everything with her.
I see as one of the children points to a picture in the book, says something and laughs making them laugh. Caitlyn's laugh is the loudest.
She looks over at me and smiles mouthing the words,
"Thank you."
I nod and smile at back at her.
She seems so happy with these kids.

It's been about an hour and a half and it's time to leave the Children's Hospital.
The kids all hug me and say their fairwells then run off to where Cait was still seated.
They tackle her with kisses and hugs and she laughs.
Finally once she had hugged and kisses and said goodbye to each kid I walk over to her.
I help her up remembering she's wearing a skirt.
We bid farewell to the nurses and walked back into the limo.
"Wow. Those kids are inspiring. Thank you so much."
I brush some hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear.
"They really are inspiring. Thank you for coming along."
She smiles at me and we drive off.
After a while of silence Caitlyn speaks up.
"Mikey, you still haven't told me what you had to tell me. You promised."
I sighed knowing that this was coming.
"Please. Just tell me the truth Michael." she pleads
"Cait. I-I'm going on week."


So THATS what he had to tell her. WOW. Awe poor Cait, wonder how she feels. What about Michael though? He must feel really bad too... He's already pushed the tour back and he can't keep his fans waiting! What's he gonna do? I know he'll make the right decision. Anyways Moonwalkies I hope you had a great day. Enjoy ~L.M.F.M <3


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