Chapter 30.

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I sigh and walk towards her.
"Cait, where are you going? Why are you leaving?"
She doesn't look up at me just continues throwing her clothes in her bag.
"Listen to me! Please!"
"I don't want to hear your lies anymore! I'm just done Michael!"
"But I'm not lying!"
"Alright Michael. I'm going to sleep."
"Good, lets just go to bed Cait. We'll talk in the morning." I say walking towards the bed
"No. I'm going to sleep in the guest room." she says walking to the door.
Before she can leave I yell.
"Cait! C'mon that's not really necessary!"
She turns the knob and walks out but before she closes the door she looks at me.
"Goodnight Michael."
She closes the door before I can say it back.
I throw myself into the bed and fight the erge to cry.
I need to prove this.
She won't listen.
She will. I know it.
Just give up on this.
No I can't give up.
I won't give up on this.
If I give up on this I give up on Us.
And I will never, give up on us.


I quickly showered and got settled in the guest room. I lay in bed and try not to think of Michael but I just can't help it.
He cheated.
He got her pregnant.
I want to believe him. I want to believe he didn't get her pregnant.
But I won't let myself. I don't kow why. I just can't.
He said he'll prove it but i'm not sure how.
I feel the tears fill my eyes.
I'm okay.
I think we'll be fine.
We'll make it through this.
I know we will.
I'm not okay.
I need Michael right now.
I need him to tell me everything is going to be alright.
I need him to assure me we'll make it through this.
I need him to tell me we'll be fine.
I need to hold him.
I need him.
I love him.
I pull the covers over my head and cry myself to sleep.
I just realized how much he really means to me.


Awwwe. I can't believe this is happening! I mean I can cause i wrote it. But you know what I mean. This is so sad. Poor Michael, but how DOES he know Breanna? Poor Cait. But she should let him explain? What do you think Moonwalkies? I hope you havea good day. ~L.M.F.M <3


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