Chapter 52.

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"Caitlyn? Sweetie? Look at me baby." A soft voice whispered.
I refused to open my eyes and look.
The same voice keeps calling me, that oh so familiar sweet voice that I missed dearly.

But I couldn't open my eyes, I wouldn't. I squeezed them shut and held onto the sheets under me for dear life.

This can't be real. This isn't real. Nobody's here.
"Baby, it is real. I'm here. Please, open your eyes."
This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real.
I repeated in my head.

Sighing, she layed her hand on mine, instantly sending chills through me.
"Please?" She begged.
I sat up quickly, looking around, trying to make sense of my surroundings.
I wasn't in Neverland, I wasn't in my apartment, and I wasn't in the hospital.
"Wha-where am I?"
"Baby, you're home."
After taking another look around I realized I was home. Back in my old room.
I smiled letting memories play in the back of my mind.
Everything came rushing back to me in a wave.
Then I started questioning it.

I finally looked at the woman's beautiful gray eyes and my eyes filled with tears.
This woman. The one who has been begging for me to open my eyes, is the woman I thought I'd never see again.

"Mom?" I choked.
"Hey sugar." she smiled sympathetically.
"Mommy, oh my gosh."
She opened her arms to embrace me and as soon as her soft skin makes contact with mine I crumble.
"I-I missed you so much."
I cried as she held me close.
"As did I my love. You have no idea how much I've missed you."

There's not much I could say to her, I didn't have words. I couldn't comprehend how this was real. How it was happening.
But honestly I wasn't too worried about that at the moment, I was just glad I could finally feel her warm, loving touch and hear her soft, soothing voice again.
She stepped away and smiled at me, tears falling down her cheeks rapidly.

"Caitlyn, I am so proud of you. You've made me so happy. Know that everytime I look down at you I'm smiling."
"Will-will you always be looking after me? Like a... I guess you can say a gaurdian angel?" I smile and she giggles.
"Of course my love, anything for you."
"Mom, I love you so much." I whisper.

"Never forget that I love you, and I will always be in your heart. Okay love?"
Before I could answer or say anything back the room began to glow, my mother started to fade and I yelled for her, begging and pleading that she didn't leave me.
I still needed her.

"Honey, I must go now. You have to fight, you have been gone for too long. He misses you. He needs someone like you in his life."
"What? Gone? Who misses me mom?"
"Everyone's waiting for you Caitie."
She started fading more and more and I didn't care who was waiting for me or what that even meant I just wanted to hold my mother.
I reached my arm out and she held my hand.

"Caitie, it's going to be fine, close your eyes and relax, okay? Deep breaths my love.."
I did as told, taking deep breaths and trying to relax .
Once I reopened them, I was blinded by a light.

Trying hard to regain regular vision, I blinked repeatedly.
"Ms. Hendricks? Ms.Hendricks can you hear me? Ms.Hendricks."
Alarmed by the deep voice of a man, I tried to sit up but someone held me down gently.
"What's going on? Where am I? Where's Michael?"


Hope you enjoyed this bit Moonwalkies . I love you all and hope you've all had a good day. L.M.F.M <3

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