Chapter 14.

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I wonder why she had to leave so soon, I thought Les felt better already. I really thought we would be there longer, not just until like 6:20.
Also why did Michael want to stay?
Michael and I are silent as we walk towards the Pier.
Once we're on the pier I look up at Michael. He seems to be thinking about something.
"Um, Michael?" I ask, obviously interupting his thought. He doesn't answer, just looks at me, so I continue nervously,
"Is there, you know, any specific reason you wanted to stay a little longer?"
I feel Michael's hand slip into mine as he calmly answers.
"No. Not really. Just wanted to spend some time with you."
"Oh, okay then" I say smiling.
We reach the end of the pier and he sits dangling his feet over the edge.
"Um, what are you doing?"
"Sit." he says patting the seat next to him.
I'm not so sure about dangling my feet so I sit, but cross my legs, 'Criss Cross AppleSauce'.
"Don't be silly. Nothing's going to happen. Just relax." Michael assures me.
I hesitantly uncross my legs and let them dangle.
There is a strong breeze that sends a shiver down my spine and leaves me shaking.
Okay now I'm freezing.
Michael must have noticed because I felt his arm wrap around me and pull me closer to him. I felt the heat of his body warming mine up. I rested my head on his shoulder.
I looked out into the ocean, it was a breath taking view. It was such a peacefull moment.
I didn't want it to end.


She lay her head on my shoulder softly. I could still feel her shivering a bit.
It was really relaxing to be there. It was silent.
But it wasn't awkward.
I sat remembering the times when Cait and I would go to the beach. Well, Cait and I along with my brothers and sisters. The silent moments between us, when there was any, were hardly ever awkward.
Earlier, Cait had asked me if there was any specific reason as to why I wanted to stay longer. I lied and answered no.
How am I supposed to tell her that I would be leaving New York very soon? But most importantly,how was I supposed to ask her to leave with me?

Short chapter! I know how much you love 'em haha. But yeah... OMG they aren't even like official and he wants her to go to Hayvenhurst with him! Hmmmm, I wonder if he'll even ask her. Find out soon. By the way I liked when I said "my Moonwalkies" not sure why. Anyways have a good night my Moonwalkies. ~L.M.F.M <3

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