Chapter 19.

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I've spent the past couple of hours talking to LaToya and Janet. Catching each other up on our lives.
We had a lot to talk about too, so it was never boring.
I told them almost everything. I told them about Les, Marie, A.J and every small thing that's happened in my life since we've last talked and they told me about their lives as well. The only thing I didn't tell them was about my mother.
I also confessed my feelings for Michael and they flipped out. They want to help us get together but I made them promise not to say anything yet.
"Girls! Dinners ready!" I hear Mrs- Mama Jackson call us from downstairs.
As we head down the stairs I feel LaToya pull me back and Janet walk in front of me.
"What's wrong?" I ask frowning.
"Look, uh, my brother's, see you've grown so much since we last saw you-"
"Yeah! You look so grown-up! Expecially wearing something like that! Showing off and all" Janet interupts.
I look down at my outfit. I'm wearing tight jeans and a white tank-top that shows a little more clevage than I had thought it did. My hair is curled and down falling a little past my shoulders.
LaToya giggles before she continues talking.
"Don't worry, you look great. But they can be big flirts. Don't pay them no mind. It's no big deal really. They'll stop when they remember who you are that's all."
"I think I'll be okay guys, really." I say giving them both a reassuring smile but they don't give one back.
Janet starts speaking again,
"They won't flirt alot but the thing is they all have the same taste in girls. And usually they end up taking Mike's girl. Please don't leave him like the rest. Okay?"
"I would never do that to Michael. Trust me. Okay?"
"We trust you. We just want to make sure he's happy."
We head back down the stairs making our way into the dining room and sitting. I hear laughter and I know it's the boys coming in. I lift my tank-top trying to cover up more.
I don't know why I'm so nervous right now, I've known these guys since I was little. We were all close, we all have nicknames for each other and everything!
They all fumble in laughing and I stand up, out of respect to walk towards them and greet them.
They stop laughing when they see me and scan my body up and down, licking and biting their lips.
LaToya steps in front of me blocking me from their view.
Thank you 'Toya!
"Stop looking at her like that! You remember her right?"
"No." they all say in unison.
"It's Caitlyn. Caitlyn Hendricks."
I see as they all smile finally remembering me and I feel more comfortable.
Randy moves around LaToya and we hug. I was real close to him, he was always nice to me.
"Kit Kat! What's up! You've grown up! Look at you!"
"Thanks, Randy Man. I missed you."
He steps back and Marlon steps foward, also hugging me.
"Caitlyn, how've you been Munchkin?"
"I'm good, thanks. What about you Munchkin?"
"I'm fine, thanks for asking." he says as he steps to the side allowing Tito to step foward.
He gives me a kiss on the cheek and says,
"Wow. All grown up huh Sissy."
"I guess so Punk." I laugh lightly punching his arm.
Then I see as Jackie steps up and hugs me.
"Wow, It's good to see ya, Little Cat."
"It's good too see you too Jack."
The last one to step up is Jermaine.
"Been a long time Lil C. We all missed you."
"How you been, Bugs" I laugh saying that because I remember how he would get annoyed with the nickname.
"I missed you all too."
He smiles and hugs me picking me up. When he puts me back down he gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"Caitlyn. Come here."
I hear Michael calling me over and see he doesn't seem too happy. I walk over and take a seat next to him.
"Michael are you alright?"
I ask, taking a gold of one of his hand under the table.
He looks at me and simply says
"I'm fine."
I try to pull my hand back but Michael interlocks his fingers with mine not wanting me to let go, so I don't.
We look up to see everybody smirking at us.
"Are you two dating?" Randy shouts
"Yeah, are you?" the others ask together.
"Um, no, we're not dating."
"Not yet." I hear Janet say. 
My eyes widen at her comment and I feel my cheeks burning as everyone laughs.
The food gets put on our plates and we begin to eat and talk.
"You've grown so much. You look great." I hear one of the guys say, but I'm not sure which one.
The others agree and one of them says,
"You look foxy now."
I look at Michael who doesn't seem to be amused, I could say maybe even jealous.
"Okay, I think that's enough." he says.
We hear the front door unlock and footsteps walking into the dining room.
Rebbie comes running to me and hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"Wow, Caitie it's good to see you."
I smile and say the same thing. She then walks to everybody greeting them before taking a seat.
I hear someone clear their throat and we all look over and see Joseph.
He stares at me as he sits. He nods my way and with no emotion in his voice says
"Hello, Joseph."
The room grows tense as we eat in silence.
Randy breaks the silence asking
"What brings you here to  Hayvenhurst? And what's with the faint bruises on your arm. If you don't mind me asking.
I wonder if I should tell the truth about Les, or if I should lie.
The one on my face has gone away since I've put home remedies on it but the ones on my arm are taking longer.
Don't lie. You can trust them.
I see everybody giving me worried looks and sigh before I explain what happened.
They all say nice and comforting things to me.
"Thanks, but I'm okay now, really."
I look at Michael who is staring at my arm.
"Michael, I'm fine." I repeat snapping him back to reality.
"Right, so should we get going now?"
"No! Let's head to the back, we still have lots to discuss!" Mama Jackson says and we all agree.
We clean up our plates and head to the patio to sit and talk for a while.


Wows. This chapter is jam packed....kind of. Hahaha well yeah, have a good night my lovely readers. I'm finally leaving this hotel and going back home! But only for a couple days 'till we leave again. Ugh. Anyways much love for yall Moonwalkies. Thanks for reading ~L.M.F.M <3


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