Chapter 39.

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°November 17, 1987.°

I toss and turn in bed unable to sleep.
I take the covers off then put them back on.
I flip the pillow over and over again.
I've done everything I can think of and yet I can't fall back to sleep.
Getting up I glance at Michael's beautiful sleeping face.
Honestly, I am so lucky to have him.
I jump into the shower, wash my hair, brush my teeth and do the rest of my morning hygiene.
After I'm done I let my hair down and brush it out.
As I wait for it to dry, I quietly unzip my suit case and rummage around for something to wear.
I pull out a pair of light colored skinny jeans, and a white scoop neck tank top.
I put on my undergarments, then my clothes and grab the pink duffle bag. I walk into the bathroom and brush out my hair again. I open up the duffle bag and plug in the straightener.
While I straighten my hair I start to think about today's plans.
What are me and Michael going to do today?
Where are we going to go?
He's been quite stressed lately.
Maybe today we could just relax.
I finished straightening my hair and head towards the room.
Michael is still asleep. I check the clock and it reads 8:30.
Wow, I must've gotten up really early.
Michael won't be up for a while though. He had a lot of work to do for the tour and such after we ate.
Work. Work! I've got to be at work by 9!
I rush to the suitcase and grab a black sweater and put it on leaving it unzipped. I then grab my clutch and throw everything I need in it. I rush to the other suit case and slip on my black heels. I run to the bathroom and grab my jewlery and carefully place it in my clutch.
I'll have to ask Marie to help me.
Mr.Kingsley is going to kill me.
I hurry down the stairs to the phone, requesting for a driver.
Finally he gets to the house, I hop in, and we drive off.


My eyes flutter open as the sun beams in. I turn my body to face Caitlyn, but she isn't there. Quickly I go into the bathroom and nothing. I notice the suitcases open and disorganized hinting she got up and dressed. I qucikly do my morning hygiene and get dressed in a purple button shirt, black slacks and loafers, I grab my fedora on the way out of the room.
Reaching the kitchen I smell breakfast already being made.
"Goodmorning Mr.Jackson, here's breakfast." she says, sliding me a plate as I sit at the counter.
"Please call me Michael, okay?"
I finish my food quickly to go find Cait and before I leave she stops me.
"Excuse me, um, Michael?"
"Yes Kalani?"
"Is Ms.Hendricks going to eat as well this morning?"
I turn around so my entire body is facing her.
"What do you mean? Has she not eaten yet? I thought she came down here?"
She furrows her eyebrows and shakes her head.
"No sir. As a matter of fact I haven't seen her at all."
"Thank you Kalani." I say as I rush out of the room.
I go around Neverland looking for her, although I know she hasn't gone far. She hasn't seen all of the outside yet.
As I head back inside worried I hear a car pull up and I run towards it.
"Thomas! Thomas! Where were you?" I yell seeing the driver step out.
"Sir, did you need me? I apologize sir. I was driving-"
"Who were you driving? Was it a female?"
"Yes Mr.Jackson sir. It was Ms.Hendricks. I apologize again Sir."
I let out a deep breath in relief.
"No it's okay. I just couldn't find her that's all. Thank you Thomas. And please call me Michael."
"I'm sorry Mr.Jackson Sir but I have to remain proffessional."
"Then at least leave out the sir part? Or at least don't use it together?"
"Okay. Will do Mr.Jackson. Have a nice day." he smiles.
"One more question."
"Where did you drive her to?"
"Her job Sir."
"Okay thank you."
I walk back up the stairs and into the living room.
Why in the world didn't she tell me?
I picked up the phone and dialed the number.
"Hello, my name is Hanna. How may I help you?"
"Hello Hanna, is this Latest Fashion Trends?"
"This is the same building, yes. But we went under a new managment and they changed the name around a bit. We are now Latest Fashion Trends. No big difference." she laughs..
Caitlyn didn't tell me that either.
"Well, may I speak to Caitlyn Hendricks?"
"Yes. Please hold." she puts me on hold until Cait picks up her office. phone.
"Why didn't you tell me where you were going? You had me worried sick! You have to tell me these things Caitlyn! Why didn't you tell anybody where you were going? Why didn't you eat before you left? Cait, baby, you have to eat. Caitlyn I almost had a heart attack thinking something happened to you! What if something did happen to you? Why are you at work? Who said you even had to work anyways? You know I got you baby. What are you doing?" I quickly ask.
"Michael relax! All these questions. Geesh. I'm sorry, I completely forgot I had to work today. I didn't want to wake you. And I do have to work Michael. I don't want to take advantage of you. Anyways I'm sorry you were so worried."
I sigh not wanting to argue.
"You know I'm protective."
"I know. You've been prtective of me for as long as I can remember. Expecially as teens when it came to other guys hitting on me." she chuckles and I laugh nervously. I always have been protective of her.
Not just with boys as she says just in general.
"Sorry. I didn't want you getting hurt. And I don't want you getting hurt now either."
"Thanks baby. I'm fine. No need to worry."
"Anyways I heard it's no longer L.T.F it's now L.F.T."
She giggles.
"Same thing. But everyone always said L.F.T anyways."
"Yeah your right. How's the new boss?"
"He's great. He is really nice. And actually today I got a new office with a computer in it."
"That's great love."
"Yes. I actually think he will be okay with me leaving for tour with you. I hope I don't get fired. Oh!Guess what babe?"
I giggle at her excitment.
"Yes baby what is it?"
"We get to leave early today! It's like I'm never at work-" she laughs
"But seriously we leave at 3:30 today, can you send Thomas to pick me up then?"
"I will baby, you should get back to work, I have to go clean up the mess you made in the room."
She lets out a loud laugh.
"I'm so sorry Mikey!"
"It's fine Cait. I'll see you in a bit. I love you."
"I love you too Baby. See you later."
She says then hangs up.
Well what am I supposed to do for like 7 hours.
I sigh and walk into the room and laugh at the mess.
I guess I could clean this up. Maybe put her stuff in the closet with mine..
I can't wait for Caitlyn to go on tour with me. I just can't wait.
I start to clean and pick things up then I keep myself occupied practicing some dance moves.
It'll be a while until I see Caitlyn, but it'll go by quick.
I hope.
Then an idea pops into my head.

Bloop. Serious writers block here guys. I know you can tell.| So I fixed the confusion with the work situation like I said I would in Chapter 34. It's now officially L.F.T. before it was supposed to be L.T.F but I don't know it just doesn't work. I always messed that up. Sorry guys. | Anyways what's the idea he has?? Hmmm. I hope you enjoy. Sorry it's kinda crappy my lovely Moonwalkies. Have a good day ~L.M.F.M <3


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