Chapter 28.

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(Weeks Later)

Michael finally finished the "short film" for "The Way You Make Me Feel" just a day or two ago.
He went back to work as soon as he recovered from the... incident at the party.
I'm happy he doesn't have to be around Tatiana anymore.
She was nice and all but I had a bad feeling, like a bad vibe came from her. I over looked that though, knowing it was bad to judge someone before I even knew them personally.
We actually talked a few times and promised to keep in touch.
Even though we are friends I know she has a thing for Michael. EVERYBODY knows that.
It's a rainy saturday night and Michael and I are going to stay in.
As I'm getting everything ready for Michael and I to watch a movie I hear the rain start to fall.
I love the sound of the rain. It's peaceful. Puts my mind at ease.
The door bell rings interupting my thoughts.
"Cait? Cait can you get that? I'm not done in here yet!" Michael yells from the shower.
"Yeah, yeah, I got it!" I giggle.
I skip to the door and open it.
Standing there, looking back at me is a woman. She's tall, well taller than me, probably about 5'7. She looks almost exactly like Tatiana.
Same color eyes, same tall skinny figure, same curly hair. Except her hair is up and this girl is- pregnant...?
She clears her throat.
"Excuse me, not to be rude but it's raining out so may I come in?"
"Huh? Oh yes of course. Come in. Can I help you?" I ask leading her into the living room.
I motion for her to take a seat at the coach but she she doesn't, so neither do I.
"Thanks. You are?"
She extends her hand for me to shake, and I do.
"I'm Caitlyn Hendricks. Can I help you?"
"Oh yes, I'm Breanna Lee."
She still hasn't answered my question.
"Okay Breanna, why are you here?" I ask annoyed.
"Oh- right." she laughs before continuing.
"I'm looking for Mr. Michael Jackson. Are you his maid?"
"Um no. Can I ask-" she cuts me off.
"Well do you know where he is?"
I cross my arms annoyed at her rudeness.
"Yes. Why are you looking for him?"
Breanna smiles a cheeky smile and looks down at her belly. She rubs it and looks back up at me.
Oh no. God no. Please, please please don't say-
"He's the father of my baby."


Hahahahaha. So Billie Jean? Or his actuall kid? Find out! Sorry things are so rushed btw. And this chapter is so short. Hope you all had a good day Moonwalkies... I didn't. Oh well I guess it could have been a lot worse. ~L.M.F.M <3


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