Chapter 66.

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•Febuary 21, 1989•

I stood there staring at Caitlyn, seeing tubes everywhere.

Tubes in her nose, a needle in her right arm connected to who knows what, one in her left connected to a bag filled with some clear liquid, there was even a tube in her mouth.

She looked so fragile, so pale, and ... lifeless.

"Caitlyn..." I whisper, moving towards her.

"Michael, she can't respond. The tube in her mouth is going down her throat and it's- well it's breathing for her."

"Why? It shouldn't be this serious. Why can't she breathe on her own? She only fainted."

"Well it's not that she can't, more of that she doesn't want to."

"She what?"

"She said she didn't want to fight anymore and she wouldn't respond to the treatments, her breathing was staggered and that would have affected the baby more then it would her, so we did what he had to do."

"The baby.... is he okay?"

"The baby is fine. But won't be if this continues."

"I'd like to discuss the results right away."

"Would you like to go somewhere else? Or discuss them here?"

"Here is fine."

"Alright." He pulls a couple papers out of his clipboard.

"Well, when she first came she was here for fainting correct?"

I nod.

"I asked her questions, do you remember?"

I nod again.

"Well, let me explain fainting. There are many various reasons as to why one can faint. It can be caused by changes in blood pressure or heart rate, abnormal heart rhythms, anemia, improper blood circulation, metabolic and lung disorders, standing too fast, exhaustion, emotional stress, pain, overheating, illness, even some medications, thing like that."

"Okay, I'm positive Caitlyn doesn't have all of these or else - you know. So what are her reasons?"

"Well from what we gathered by questions and tests and having her talk to the physiologist running physical and mental test, we've come to conclusion that Caitlyn has more then one of these."

"Like which ones?" I push for him to continue.

"Okay, so from what I see Caitlyn's reasons seem to be anemia, exhaustion, emotional stress, and we found traces of medications that, um, didn't do her system too well."

I knew the medications would come back to haunt us. Those damned pills she took.

"Anemia?" I questioned.

"Yes sir, anemia. Anemia is an insufficient quantity of healthy red blood cells to carry a right amount of oxygen to the tissues."

"Oh my gosh. And on top of that there's..."

Lord why her? Why all of this on one person? What has she done so wrong?

"Will- will she pull through?" I ask him, half not wanting him to tell me, in fear that the answer was no.

"Yes. She could. If she really wanted to, she could pull through. The baby will pull through I'm sure."

I stare at him.

"Can we talk treatment?"


VMA's tonight! Which one of my Moonwalkies is excited!? I was going to post this later tonight but I'll be too busy worrying about the VMA's lol. I think of Michael when I think of the VMA's 🙂. I think of him no matter what actually. But anyways I hope the VMA's are good, I'm not even sure who's nominated to be honest. Anyways enjoy and I hope you've all had a great day! ALSO TOMORROW IS MICHAEL JACKSON'S BIRTHDAY! REMEMBER TO WISH HIM A HAPPY BIRTHDAY, REMIND HIM YOU LOVE AND MISS HIM. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET 😭. ( i know he wasn't big on birthdays but still.) But then again, what true Moonwalker could ever forget about him. ( i understand forgetting his birthday bc people dont always remember dates but you can't just forget Michael.) thank you loves! Comment and vote 😊. ~L.M.F.M <3

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