Chapter 33.

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"Lunch was great, thanks! Yeah... Call me anytime.... Love you too. Alright talk to you soon MC."
I hang up the phone and walk into the living room hoping to find Michael.
I haven't seen him since we got back from lunch with Marie and that was at noon and it's now a bit past 6.
Wow the time went by fast.
In my defense for 4 of those hours Michael was out talking to his manager, Frank.
To my surprise Michael wasn't in the living room. I walk over the door that leads outside and notice it's locked, hinting he isn't out there. Not thinking much of it I going into the room and shower.
Changing into jeans and a short sleeve shirt, I glance at the clock it's almost 7.
I finished fixing my hair and sit at the edge of the bed dialing Marie's number.

We talk for a while until I hear something downstairs.

"Um... MC I have to go. Call you later" I quickly hang up and head down the stairs calling Michael's name but getting no response.
I could have sworn I heard somebody come in.
Once again I check the kitchen, living room and outside with no luck of finding Michael.
Becoming a little bit worried I hurry up the stairs towards the rooms.
Opening every door and not seeing Michael makes me a lot more worried.
I rush over to the guest house and he isn't there.
Where is he? There's no other place-
I stop my own thoughts and chuckle to myself.
I think I know where he's at.
Slowly, I make my way over to Michael's private recording room.
Ignorning the sign that says
I turn the knob and walk in.
To my delight I see Michael sitting in the chair deep in thought.
He quickly stands up shocked and turns around.
"Sorry, it's just me. I didn't mean to scare you."
"No worries. Come here."
Doing as I'm told I walk over to him and am surprised as he leans in and kisses me.
"Your in a good mood I see."
He giggles and shrugs.
"Well, Michael it's not late yet. So what do you want to do?"
"What time is it?"
I check the clock.
"Great. Just enough time to get there. I have an idea." Michael says with a one of his beautiful bright smiles plastered on his face.
"Yeah? What is it?" I smile back.
"It's a surprise."
"Michael" I begin to whine.
"Caitlyn..." he mocks.
"Can you tell me where we're going."
"We're... Going out to dinner. The restaurant is a surprise."
"I don't want a surprise. I-" before I can finish Michael takes my hand and runs outside.
"Michael slow down! Your dragging me!"
He comes to halt as the limo pulls up then once again drags me into the limo.
"Michael I can't go out like this!"
"Like what? You look great."
"No Michael, I don't. It's early November, Im going to freeze."
"You'll be fine."
I sigh, giving up.
"Put this on." he says handing me a blind-fold.
My eyes widen at the sight.
"Uh-uh. No way Michael."
"Why not?" he asks, confusion written all over his face.
"Because- Just because." I shake my head.
"Don't you trust me babe?"
I smile when he calls me that.
"Fine. I'll put it on. With one condition."
"And that is-?"
"Umm... Don't laugh okay?"
"I won't Cait. I promise."
"Okay. You... you have to hold my hand the entire time I have it on."
"That's it?"
"Well yeah."
He gives me a reassuring smile.
He helps me put the blindfold over my eyes then takes a hold of my hand.
I keep a tight grip on his hand the whole way to- there.
"We're here!" Michael's says excitedly
He helps me out of the car slowly.
I wait for the car to drive off but it doesn't. It stays there.
"Michael. Where are we? I know you said a restaurant. But which one?"
"You'll see. You'll love it. I know you will."
"Can you please get this thing off of me?"
"Of course Cait."
He unties the knot in the blindfold and takes it off, finally allowing me to see.
I look up to see where we are at.
"Oh. My. God. M-Michael, baby. This is, this is...."
I'm speechless with what I see before me.


Woahs. Yes it is November. November 15 to be exact. I'll start writing dates at the top so it isnt confusing. Btw the short film for "The Way You Make Me Feel" has already been released.. And yes I know Michael's bad tour started in September of. 1987. In this story it starts later. Also where do you think she is!?!? Think about Moonwalkies haha. Hope you all had a good day. ~L.M.F.M <3


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