Chapter 67.

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•Febuary 22, 1989•

The doctor and I discussed treatment options for Caitlyn, then decided we would wait for her to wake up to make any final decision.

He told me Caitlyn probably wouldn't wake up today.

But I know that Caitlyn has the strength to wake up today, right now if she wanted to.

I stayed with her all through the day, and night. I fell asleep in the one of the chairs.

It was around 5 in the morning when I awoke, unable to sleep.

"Hey Caitlyn, it's Michael." I begin whispering.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. I mean- that everything that has happened to you, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I never took into account of all the stress you were put under as well. I never stopped to check on you. And I'm so very sorry for that my love." I begin tearing up.

I decide that if Caitlyn could hear me I wanted things to be positive so she would have motivation to awake.

"Do you remember, when we fell in love? We were young and innocent then.*" I giggle at the thought.

I stop to think about the days where the funny feeling inside when I was around Caitlyn began to happen.

"We have a lot of memories together Caitlyn. We've known each other for ever. We used tell stories and talk and have sleep overs, laugh and cry, argue, dance and sing, get in trouble. We did literally everything together."

I took her hand in mine.

"Remember when we went outside in the backyard and played in the rain? And I chased you and you fell in the mud?" I laughed.

"You were upset at first, but eventually you laughed. Then we heard Jermaine yelling in the house asking if everyone was dressed already because our parents were on their way to pick us up."

"We had totally forgot we were supposed to be going out to eat dinner with both our families."

"I don't ever think I've seen you run so fast into the house. You actually almost beat me. Almost. Because you're still a slow poke."

I laughed, remembering all the times I teased her for not being faster than me.

"Whislt you showered and got mud out of your hair, I got out our new outfits and cleaned our shoes. And whilst you changed and did your hair, I took a shower."

"We were showered, dried, dressed and fixed up in records time. We finished all by the time Jermaine got Janet dressed and finally went upstairs to look for us."

"Caitlyn, darling, I miss you. And I love you, with all my heart. I love you more then anything. Please, please fight. Not for just for me, for you and for the baby. We all need you Caitlyn. Please don't leave us. Please." I squeezed her hand, lowering my head to kiss the top of it. Letting tear drops fall silently.

I prayed the lord wouldn't take her and my child.

"Caitlyn please come back to me." I whispered.


* These are lyrics from Michael Jackson's Remember the Time from his 1991 Dangerous album
I do not own these lyrics. They are owned by Michael Jackson and his Estate.

(Obviously) ^ , but I was told to put it that just in case, although no government official will probably read this 😂. Nor will I get in trouble, I had to give credit where due though.
Thank you Moonwalkies for all the support recently! I love you all so much! I hope you enjoyed this and also have a good day! Michael, you'll always be in our hearts. ~L.M.F.M <3

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