Chapter 83.

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"Caitlyn, we all have something we'd like to give to you."

She handed me a white box and instructed me to open it.

I did as told and in it lay a shining necklace with a diamond charm in the shape of a heart.

"Katherine, it's beautiful."

"Since Anna isn't here to do this honor for you, I will."

I shook my head holding back tears.

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to Caitlyn. Besides what other necklace would you wear?" She laughed.

Then I realized I didn't have on jewelry other then the stud earrings Michael gave me.

I sighed allowing her to clip it on for me.

"Okay, you've given me enough and spoiled me enough and I don't deserve this or any more."

"Oh hush." La Toya smiled handing me a small black box.

I stared at it.

"Please don't tell me you spent more money on me."

She shook her head no and I opened the box, revealing a ring.

It had a silver base and 3 pearls in the middle surrounded by small diamonds I believe.

"I thought you said you didn't spend any more money on me!" I cried.

"I didn't!" She laughed before continuing.

"Mother and Joseph gave me this when I was younger. I think you should have it. You mean a lot to our family now, and always have, so it's only fair that I pass it down. I have more jewelry from them so it's no problem. And don't worry I know it'll fit. I made sure of it." She chuckled.

I shook my head. I felt they spent too much on me and I hadn't done anything to deserve it, I felt bad because I hadn't bought them a gift in return.

She slipped the ring on and to my surprise it really did fit.

"I love it." I smiled, still staring at it.

I looked up at Rebbie.

"Please keep yours!" I begged and they all laughed.

Rebbie then proceeded to handing me yet another black box.

I inhaled deeply the closed my eyes exhaling, while opening the box.

When I opened my eyes I saw a bracelet bangle.

It wasn't skinny but it wasn't thick. The top row was silver, while the bottome row was rose gold, and in the middle of course there were diamonds.

"Rebbie!" I yelled.

"Calm down! This is from Janet and I. You see, Michael bought all 3 of us, as in his sisters, matching bracelets. Janet's was silver, mine rose gold, and La Toya's gold. But Janet and I got into... an incident and ours broke. We gathered the pieces hoping we could put it back together but we never got around to it. But now since we wanted to get you a gift, we had the jeweler put the remains together and that's what we got." She explained pointing to the the bracelet.

"And mother and I went and got it engraved. Check the inside." La Toya said.

I did as told and on the inside it read "Jackson". I smiled widely, with tears forming in my eyes, and I had to try harder to not let them fall.

"This way you know, you will always be a Jackson. You will always be a part of our family." Katherine added.

I embraced each of them and thanked them for everything.

I would definitely have to tell Michael about this because I have to do something to pay them back.

We heard a honking outside and knew that was our cue to get going before we were late to...Neverland?

I'm still not sure, but I hope it isn't anything crazy.


I'm horrible at explaining things, but this is the hairstyle Caitlyn has

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I'm horrible at explaining things, but this is the hairstyle Caitlyn has. Of course, the hair color is different but this is the style.

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