Chapter 65.

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•Febuary 21, 1989•

After some hours we finally received a call saying that Caitlyn was cleared for visitors.

I decided not to call any of the family just yet, because I didn't want Caitlyn to get overwhelmed. So I headed out with Bill and Nate.

Once we reached the hospital and I was inside one of the empty waiting rooms safely, Dr.Lane walked into the room reading some stuff off his clipboard.

Without looking up he acknowledged me.

"Hello Mr.Jackson. How are you today?"

"Well I'm doing relatively great compared to my wife. How are you sir?"

"I'm doing well, thank you. So about Ms.Hendricks, she has a lot going on and with the tests, we gathered a lot of information about her health and well being."

"He stated furrowing his eyebrows after reading something off the clipboard.

"Okay so how is she? What are you saying?"

"Mr.Jackson, do you remember when we ran physiological test on Caitlyn with our physiologist?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay well we got those results back too."

He said eyeing his clipboard, reading something then sighing.

"Sir, with all due respect, can you get to the point? You're scaring me."

He sighs.

"Well, would you like to hear the results first or go and see Ms.Hendricks first, then discuss her results?" He asked.

I ponder.

"I want to see Caitlyn first."

He draws in his breath then lets it out slowly, only adding to my worry.

"Very well. Follow me."

We leave the waiting room and instead of heading to the left, like we normally would, we turn to the right and go down the long hall.

"Why did they change her room?"

"Because she's stayed longer then expected and might stay longer. We need her in the long-term rooms. Also these rooms are so we can monitor her health more carefully."

I nodded in understandment.

When we finally reached the door, I went to grab the knob but Dr.Lanes beat me to it.

He stared at me with an almost sad and apologetic expression in his eyes.

Almost as if he didn't want me to go inside.

He stared for a while, then sighing, he looked away and turned the knob finally allowing me into the room.

When I did so, I realized that maybe I wasn't ready for this. Maybe I should have let the doctor explain because when I layed my eyes upon Caitlyn just now, my heart dropped completely and tears immediately filled my eyes.

My mind just wouldn't grasp what I was looking it. It just wasn't real.

How did it get this far?

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