Silas's Heart

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The warrior pulled down the right sleeve of the red wine gown and exposed her ivory skin. The young maiden sighed when Silas's sculpted lips dropped on her shoulder and her knees almost gave out. The warrior's hand that gripped her arse held it tight, as he grinded his thick throbbing shaft between her thighs. He didn't care that it was in the middle of the afternoon and in broad daylight, his aching shaft wanted to have her right here, right now, to release its seed. 

"Let me love you lass." He whispered hoarsely in her ear. 

"No I can't, I'm a maiden and saving myself for my future husband!" She whispered back in a husky tone of voice. 

Silas knew she wasn't  a maiden as she cleverly stated. She was playing hard to get because she wanted to trap him into marriage. Suddenly his appetite disappeared and he pulled back from her. He should have gone for the red head, she was willing to give him everything he asked for without strings attached. 

The young woman noticed the change in Silas and desperately wanting to hold on to him, she dropped to her knees, and looked up at him. Silas wasn't a fool to deny her what she silently asked for, unwrapping the kilt from around his tapered waist, he dropped it to the ground and looked around him to make sure that no one was near them. The young girl then touched him and took him in her mouth. Clearly this was not the first time she had done this, she had experience and talent, and not long after, a moan escaped the handsome warriors lips as he released his seed inside her mouth.

When the woman lifted herself to her feet, a slow smile curved her lips. She was no maiden, Silas thought with disgust, she was a man eater! He bent over and picked up his kilt, wrapped it around his tapered waist and walked away. 

"Wait, please...." Silas turned around and waited, "I don't even know your name, I mean... I know you are a MacAlister, but I don't know which one of the brothers you are." 

The wench took him in her mouth without even knowing who he was! Silas thought, she was a whore who will probably live her life as a spinster, or as someone's mistress, because of her mistakes. Ignoring her question, Silas turned around and walked away, not caring that tears streamed down her porcelain face, an image of the red head had already claimed his mind and he hungrily went to find her. 


Isabella walked around the festival disappointed that she hadn't seen Silas not once. It wasn't fair, every warrior that passed her way made eye contact with her and she could see that they wanted her, in fact, she had admirerers following her around the entire day. Everyone but Silas, he could care less of her whereabouts, she thought with dismay, and held back the tears that threatened to spill forth.

"You shouldn't feel sad Isabella, we are here to have a good time, not wallow in misery!" Amira whispered in her ear. 

"I know, but I can't help it, the one man I want doesn't want me back!" 

"Silas? Is that who you are referring to?" Amira asked, there was no surprise in her voice, everyone knew that whenever Silas's name came up at the castle, Isabella eyes always glistened with love. And it was no secret to her that the two of them were soulmate's, Stephan had already confirmed her suspicious, so it was only a matter of time before Silas comes to his senses and recognizes the lass for who she was to him. 

Isabella nodded her head and looked away, did everyone know her heart? "How did you know it was Silas?" 

"It is written all over your face every time you look at him!" Amira laughed.

Isabella sighed, "He doesn't return my affections, he doesn't even aknoledwge my existence.  Silas hides from me as if I am full of the pox!"

"That doesn't mean a thing, Silas has always held his feelings to himself. He is very secretive with his personal life, no one ever knows what that man is feeling or thinking." Amira said, trying to ease Isabella's pain. 


When the sun dipped behind the mountains and the silvery moon hung like an ornament in the night sky, Michael did not hesitate to look carefully at the moon every so often in case he found tiny black dots circling around it. He wouldn't put it past the dark forces to surprise them before Halloween. 

"It's time Michael, they are all gathered and waiting for you!" Hawk said, and his eyes followed Michael's. He too was worried about an early attack from the dark forces. 

"Aye, I'm coming." Michael said, and headed straight to the huge meeting tent, with Hawk following right behind him.

The huge tent was filled with one chief for each clan that was present at the festival. They sat on the dirt ground in a circle, smoking their pipes and sipping from the jug of whiskey that was passed around the tent. Their second in command were gathered behind their chief silently waiting for the meeting to begin. 

"As you all know Halloween is just around the corner, and the closer it gets to this day the more danger we are in. So I will get straight to the point. I think we should start the ceremony and rituals the day before Halloween, to protect ourselves from evil. I for one do not want to take any chances, I have a family and a clan to protect and I know you all do too. I suggest you all take into consideration my proposal and vote." Michael said in a firm and unwavering voice. 

"Starting the rituals before it is necessary can cause major problems with Mother Nature! The ceremony can not be done before the moon hangs over us!" Chief McCoy said gruffly, stirring an uproar all around the tent.

"So you prefer we do nothing and wait like sitting ducks, putting those we love in danger!" Michael roared losing all patience. 

Silence fell, as everyone contemplated Michael's words. They all had too much to lose if something went wrong during the rituals. 

"How can you guarantee us that your plan will work, what if something were to go wrong and we do more damage than good, the Dark ones are strong and powerful, and they are smart. What's to stop them from destroying earth?" Another Chief called out. 

Chaos broke out, the tent was divided in half, those who agreed amd those who opposed Michael's words. 

Hawks stiffened and his hand automatically gripped the sword by his waist, he wasn't liking where all this was headed. He glanced at the MacAlister brothers and they too were alert and ready should anything go amiss.

"I can not guarantee anything, but I'd rather be safe than sorry! Do you forget that the witches of East Wick have sided with us and have powerful magic that can destroy the Dark forces?" Michael said loud and clear, wanting to make sure that everyone in the tent heard his words.

"I for one do not trust the witches! They are evil,and not to be trusted!" Chief Mckinly called out.their magic is more dangerous than the Dark forces!"

"They have given their oath to us! They are no longer called witches, but enchantress, and reside in my castle, I trust them with my life and that of my families!" Michael said, angry that he needed to defend the witches after everything they had done to help them. The witches have already proven their loyalty to them, what more do they want?

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