Splendor on the grass

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Sidri's heart pounded wildly against his muscled, powerful chest. He stared down tearfully at his son and choked back a sob. A son! His son!

"Please, I'm thirsty." Maria said, her mouth was dry and she needed to drink something.

Immediately Sidri's eyes fell on his soulmate, Zapping a bassinet, he placed the sleeping babe in it, and focused all his attention on Maria. Producing a glass of cold water, he brought it to her mouth and watched as she drank it.

"Thank you."

Sidri placed the empty glass on the side table and turned his attention back to Maria, "Are you feeling better?" He asked her, not liking her pale color. Did all women who delivered babies look this pale, he wondered, or did Maria need a doctor? She was human after all, and humans are weaklings.

"I'm feeling a little weak, but that's to be expected, I just gave birth!" She told him.

Sidri expelled a sigh of relief, He wouldn't know what to do if anything ever happened to her. "Should we call Sidri? He would want to be here with his child!"

"No! Forget him, I don't care about Sidri, it's you I want not him!" She told him, and watched all the color drain from his face. Good, she thought, let him suffer for tricking me.

"This is his son," Sidri said, pointing at his babe, "he should be here don't you think?"

"No, I don't think he should be here and besides its not guaranteed that this is his son!" She lied.

"Well, I slept with someone else the night before I gave myself to the King!"

"You what?" Sidri said In a hoarse voice, and took a step towards her.

"It doesn't matter now anyways, because I want my son to wear the crown one day, so be it Sidri's or not, what he doesn't know won't hurt him!" She said, without feeling an ounce of guilt. This is the first time in three months that she's had some excitement. Sidri made her lay down and wouldn't allow her to do anything to make sure that his baby was safe. She was bored out of her mind, and during the last month of her pregnancy he even withheld from sleeping with her. He didn't want to hurt the baby, he had told her, even though she had begged him to make love to her.

Sidri was frozen in a standing position, and staring at her with hate filled eyes. For a moment Maria wondered if she had gone too far playing her game, and regret filled her heart, but she knew that this would spice up their relationship, and besides, she thought, this will be the test she needed to prove to herself that Sidri loved her no matter what.

The Unseelie King was speechless, he wanted to strangle Maria and end her life, he wanted to whip her body until she bled! But more than anything, he wanted to hold her in his powerful arms and make love to her. She was a cold hearted whore, he thought, but he could not stop loving her, he knew in his heart of hearts that no matter what she has done to him, he will always love her.

"As soon as you get your rest we will leave from here!" He said gruffly.

"I hope you're not planning on returning me back to the bastard!" She said, and watched as the Kings face turned beet red with anger, even though he tried his best to hide his feelings.

At that moment the baby started to cry and Sidri flew to its side. He very carefully grabbed the babe and walked to the bed where Maria lay on, and placed the babe in her arms, not wanting to form a bond with it if it wasn't his.

The Unseelie babe immediately latched on to its mothers right breast and suckled her nipple searching for milk. Tears glided down the Kings face and he swore under his breath as he marched out of the cabin.


Isobel did not fail to notice the cold satisfaction in the Druids eyes, and her heart sank, he used her, and now he was going to take her back to Camran. He seduced her and got what he wanted, and she was of no use to him anymore. Disgusted by her behavior, the beautiful woman felt shame for what she had done.

Silas pulled himself away from Isobel, and grabbed his kilt. Lifting himself to his feet, the Druid looked down at his prize and swallowed a lump in his throat. The full moon shined its moonbeams over the lass, and outlined her sexy, hot body. She looked like a goddess, he thought, and for a moment he was tempted to claim her his, but the satisfaction he will recieve when he openly hands her back to Camran tonight and watches the expression on the bastards face when he realizes that she was no longer a maiden will be priceless!

Isobel blinked a few times and waited, mayhap she thought, he finally realized that she was the love of his life and he will claim her as his bride. Her heart pounded against her chest as she waited for the handsome warrior to speak.

"Come Isobel, I must take you back to Camran before he raises hell." Silas said.

Isobel choked back a sob and grabbed her gown from the ground to cover her naked body. Suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"We have time if you want to go for a quick swim to cleanse yourself." Silas told her.

"Turn around please." The Druidess said, not wanting his eyes to feast on her naked body as she made her way to the water.

"As you wish." It was the least he could do, Silas thought, trying to wash away the guilt he was feeling in the pit of his stomach.

He could hear the splashing of water and was tempted to turn around and join her, but withheld from doing so, not wanting her to overreact. It was bad enough that he had ruined her, he could not push her over the edge, the guilt of that would destroy him.

Isobel dressed quickly and quietly, her trembling hands clasped the last of the front, small hooks to her gown and after ironing out the wrinkles on the satin material, she was ready to return to the festival. "I don't need you to walk me back, I can return all by myself and save you the trouble of having to answer to Camran." She said.

"I will not allow you to go back unchaperoned, I will see you back safe and sound." Silas reasoned.

"Suit yourself, but just so we are clear on one thing, this meant nothing to me, and I would appreciate it if you never come near me again. I will forget this ever happened and pray that no one figures anything out." Isobel said with a sinking heart, wondering if her lost innocence was evident in the depths of her eyes.

"I don't plan on telling anyone, you have my word!" He told her, knowing very well that he didn't need to tell anyone anything, when Camran looks into his eyes he will know the truth without even exchanging a single word. Satisfaction settled deep in his heart and he did his best to hide it from Isobel. Not wanting to cause her anymore grief, she was now damaged goods and he was responsible for that, and although he did not want to dance a happy tune that he stole her innocence and ruined her reputation, he could not help but feel great satisfaction that he beat the bastard at his own game, and could not wait to see the expression on his face when he realizes that she had lost her purity to him.

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