La La Land

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Asia looked around her with wide eyes, she was finally at peace. The turquoise sky was bright and no clouds were visible, the crystal clear water was calm as the soft waves brushed up against Asia's bare feet, and the many colorful rainbows arched across the heavens displaying their bright colorful shades of red, orange, purple, green and yellow.

The gentle wind caressed Asia's porcelain skin and she closed her eyes, as it weaved softly through her black raven locks, that fell over her shoulders and down her back.

The Druidess could feel the being that waited behind her, but remained calm as she enjoyed the moment.

"Asia." His voice was gentle, and full of love and compassion.

Slowly the Druidess opened her eyes and turned around. "Aye."

"Come," the enlightened being said, and gave her his hand.

Asia placed her small hand in his and walked alongside him across the stretches of golden sand.

"You need not be afraid, I have come to help you during your transition, and to answer any questions you may have."

Stopping in her tracks, Asia turned around and faced him. "Who are you?" She asked, already guessing what his answer was going to be.

"I am your spirit guide, I have been with you from the moment of your existence."

"What is to become of me?" She asked, not sure of anything anymore.

"You will stay here until you are ready and capable of going back to earth."

"And what do I do here? How will I know when I'm ready? Will you stay with me until I am ready?"

"Nay Asia, I can not stay with you, but there are many of us that are waiting to help you, and guide you through your transition." The enlightened being explained.

They continued walking through the sparkling, white sand until they came upon a place that resembled paradise.

Asia blinked a few times, she was dumbstruck by all the beauty before her. There were trees of all shapes and sizes. Flowers that decorated the bank of the sparkling river, and all throughout paradise, and everything of nature was eliminated with a golden light, as if they were alive and aware of their surroundings.

"They seem real as if they are breathing!" Asia burst out excitedly and pulled her hand away from her spirit guide to bend over and touch a flower. "I can hear it, it said welcome!"

"Yes, they are welcoming you to paradise." The enlightened being explained.

"I didn't know that flowers were alive!"

"Flowers, trees, and each and every blade of grass is alive and conscious. They are part Gods creation just as we all are, they breathe, hear, and see, and if everyone took the time to listen they would hear and feel the love they emanate."

"Wow," Asia leaned closer to a beautiful bright orange flower and touched it gently, she could feel vibrations of love transfer through her finger tips to her heart and a single tear  rolled down her face.

"Now you understand that flowers were not created for us to cut and place in a vase just for our human pleasure, they were meant to brighten our life with their beauty and live out their life without interruption from greed and selfishness."

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now