My Crazy Warrior

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The sun dipped slowly into the horizon, its majestic, fiery colors of pink, orange and red emblazoned the enormous sky and reminded Balloch of home.  Swallowing a lump in his throat, the Druid collected a number of logs in his arms and walked back to the cabin, Balloch could not help but wonder if he would ever find his way back home. It would be a while before he attained his strength and have any hope of returning to Sterlingshire.

The wooden door swung open just as the Druid was about to push his way inside the cabin, "I'm starving!" Kainaaz complained as her eyes dropped to the Warriors waist where a skinned rabbit tied by a leather thong was hanging.

"What the...." with eyes wide open, Kainaaz took a step backwards. "Did you murder that poor little thing?"

Taking a deep breath of inhalation, Balloch stepped around Kainaaz and walked over to the corner of the cabin where he threw the logs in a neat pile on the wooden floor.

Having no magical powers, he had to rely on his skills for their survival, and when he spotted the poor rabbit, images of a hearty dinner plagued his mind.

"Aye!" He responded, frustrated that he had to explain to her that their survival was worth more than a rabbits life.

"I'm not eating that, you butchered the poor thing!" Kainaaz said, horrified that anyone could do such a thing.

"Suit yourself." The Druid said, and proceeded to spear the wooded spit he had made through the rabbit.

Narrowing her eyes, the young maiden watched as Balloch tied the meat with the piece of yarn he had found in one of the wooden cabinets. "Are you sure you won't change your mind?" He asked her, as he placed a handful of herbs and spices he had hand picked from the green forest over the red meat.

Kainaaz refused to give in to his taunting and turned her back to him. "I am sure!" She snapped, already feeling the hunger pang in her stomach.

The Druids mouth curved into a smile, soon the aroma of the meat on the spit will have her begging to eat, he thought, as he placed the spit over the fire and watched the fat dripped off the meat causing the flames to enlarge and wrap around the rabbit.

Almost immediately the air around them was infused with the aroma of the herbs and Kainaaz's nostrils flared, as she closed her eyes and took in a deep inhalation of breath. Her stomach growled with hunger, but she ignored it not wanting Balloch to laugh at her.

It did not take long for the meat to roast a deep brown color, its juices dripped into the flames and the Druid pinched a piece of meat off the rabbit. The mouth watering meat melted into his mouth and he knew that dinner was ready.

Pulling the spit away from the fire, the warrior held on to it from each side and brought it to his mouth. Kainaaz watched as he bit into the juicy meat and she nearly fainted from hunger.

Balloch wolfed down most of the rabbit but left a portion for Kainaaz knowing that she was hungry but much too stubborn to admit it. Having satisfied his hunger, the Druid lifted himself to his feet, and placed the remaining meat on the table.

"I am going to relieve myself and shall be right back. I trust you'll be fine while I am gone." He teased, knowing that as soon as he leaves she will eat the remaining meat.

The young maiden watched him leave and as soon as he closed the door, she jumped to her feet and quickly walked to the table. Pinching a huge piece of meat off the spit, she stuffed it hungrily into her mouth and closed her eyes as she chewed the delicious rabbit.

Balloch watched through the small window, and expelled a sigh of relief. He knew that she would eat as soon as he left, that was why he stepped out of the cabin.

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now