The True Spirit of Christmas

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When Evan walked into Ravens Wood castle, a deep darkness engulfed him and it surprised the hell out of him. From the moment he left Sterlingshire he felt great, relief had washed over him knowing that he could walk out on Alana without any regrets. He almost skipped joyfully knowing that he wouldn't suffer anymore, but now it had all come back to haunt him. His confidence that he could live without her was short lived.

"What is wrong Evan," Lady Mara asked with deep concern, "where is Alana?" But even as she mouthed those words she knew. It was written all over her sons face.

The Fay turned his eyes that were hazed with grief on his mother and said softly, "Where's Emanuella?"

"The wet nurse is feeding her, wheres Alana?" She asked again, holding her breath for his answer.

They both knew that the soulmate connection would never happen now, nor the bond with the wee Holy babe. He missed the connection and the opportunity because of the archangel. Revenge burned in his soul, revenge for righteousness.

It was Alana's fault as much as it was the archangels, Evan thought, as he made his way up the staircase to Emanuella chamber.

Lady Mara quietly followed behind him, her son was not well, she could tell by his calmness, she feared tis was the calm before the storm. She watched her son open the door and walk inside the baby's chamber.

"How's my baby girl today?" Evan asked in a loving tender way.

"She's fine," the wet nurse said as she placed the babe into Evans arms. "She is fed and ready to sleep!"

"I want a few minutes alone with her."

"Aye, I will return in ten minutes." The wet nurse said, as she exited the chambers.

Evans eyes were full of love and adoration for his daughter. No Fay on earth has ever loved their child as much he did, and it saddened him that he has to leave her. "I shall be back soon and you and I will have many days of playing in the sand and building sand castles my love." He promised her.

Not believing her ears, Lady Mara who stood in the doorway watching her son with his babe, walked forward and asked with astonishment, "Where do you think you're going?"

"To the America's."

"What? You would just leave your wife and babe just like that?"

"My wife doesn't care, she is in love with another, and Emanuella is too young to miss me, I shall return within a fortnight and spend all my time with her."

"You're making a grave mistake, don't go, Alana will never forgive you!" His mother pleaded.

Dark golden eyes that were hazed with hatred pierced into his mothers, "I don't care anymore what Alana feels, thinks or does. I released her from her obligation to remain married to me and she is free to love the archangel now."

"Oh Evan, what have you done!"

"I didn't do anything, it was all Alana's doing." The Fay said calmly.

"You missed the soulmate connection. Now it will never happen, you have lost her forever!" The words that came out of his mothers mouth stabbed at his heart until it bled.

At that moment the wet nurse came back inside the chambers and took the infant out of Evans arms, "She needs her rest now, please leave so I may put her in her crib."

Both Lady Mara and Evan left the chambers and the nurse closed the door behind them.

"You can't just leave like that, you must fight for what is yours!"Lady Mara yelled.

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