A Lifetime in the Waiting

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"Step away sir, this area is closed. Take the elevator back to the lobby!" A short, bald headed police officer barked.

Edward was ready to squash him like a bug, but walked away instead, not in a mood to argue with him, he entered the elevator and waited for the door to close before he zapped his invisible self back to the crime scene.

What he found there was not what he expected. A beautiful woman lay dead in a pool of blood, but that was not what caught the warrior's attention. Kneeling before the dead body was Gregor McCane in his invisible form crying his heart out. What was he doing here, Edward thought, until he realized that this could be his soulmate. The Wizard cried shamelessly for the loss of the only woman he had ever truly loved, and he was cursing himself for getting here a moment too late to save her.

"Was she your soulmate?" Edward asked Gregor.

"Aye." The wizard responded without lifting his head.

Edward felt his pain, and knew exactly how much it hurt to lose ones soulmate, hadn't he lived with the pain and suffered without her for so long?

The paramedics lifted the dead woman's body onto the bed and covered her with a blanket. "Wrap it up boys, it's almost lunch time and I'm starving." The homocide officer said, and walked to the elevator.

"Sir, what do we do with the bag full of evidence?" A young officer asked, baffled as to why they were not writing up the information as they always do, instead he was given strict orders to get rid of any evidence that they found.

The homocide officer stopped walking and turned around, throwing an angry look at the young man, "I already told you son, get rid of the evidence!" He barked before he jumped in the elevator and hit the lobby button.

The paramedics rolled the bed to the back elevators not wanting to go through the front lobby with a dead body and the rest of the officers tried to clean up the boldly evidence.

"Why is this woman not getting the attention that she deserves, shouldn't we notify her family?" The young officer asked another officer who had grabbed the plastic bag of evidence and thrown it in the garbage that another officer who was walking by them held in his hands.

"Son, when the boss says get rid of the evidence you do as you are told without asking too many questions, unless you want to be looking for another job next week. We're under strict orders not to discuss this incident. You didn't see anything, you didn't hear anything and you're not going to ever mention this again, now go have lunch and forget this day ever happened!" The police officer told the young man, before he turned around and hightailed it to the elevator.

The young officer stood staring at everyone who was cleaning up the evidence and could not understand why the dead woman did not matter to anyone. Turning around he asked another officer, "Maybe you can shed some light on this for me, the dead woman was once alive and living her life just like you and me, until someone decided to take that away from her. Her family will be worried sick for her, shouldn't we at least notify them?"

The other officer grabbed the young man by the arm and pulled him to the side, "Stop asking for trouble, the boss can smash you like a bug if he thinks you are meddling in his affairs. Don't mess with him, there is a reason why he wants to cover up this whole mess." The officer admitted, "the hotel manager slipped an envelope to the homocide officer to keep this quiet, he doesn't want his hotel attached to the crime scene because it is not good for bussiness, and besides, she is an American, who the fauck cares for Americans? She probably got what she deserved, American women are sluts! Now shut your mouth and go to lunch and forget everything, unless you want to be standing at the unemployment line on Monday!"

The young officer finally realized that his job was on the line and he decided to keep his mouth shut and mind his own bussiness, his career was at stake and he didn't want to jeopardize it. There were two mouths to feed at home and one on the way. Placing his police cap back on his head, he followed the other officer to the elevator, the crime scene was already forgotten, as his stomach growled for food.

Gregor lifted himself to his feet, "Now I have to wait for her to be reborn, and who knows how long that will take, but I swear that I will find the bastards who did this and kill them with my bare hands!"

"Good luck my friend, I hope you find what you're looking for." Edward said, and turned around to leave.

"I will not stop until I do find the bastards, they probably have my daughter Julia, and I swear if anything happened to her, I shall hunt them down one by one and rip them to pieces!"

The warrior stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Gregor, "Julia?" He asked, and tried to control his beating heart from bursting.

"Yes, she is my daughter, your soulmate and her sister Kyra are my daughters, but I could not claim them mine before now, for fear that the evil ones would destroy them, but it seems to me that they now know their identities."

All the blood drained from Edwards face, "you're their father?"

"Yes I am."

"Do you know where Julia might be?" He asked in a hoarse whisper.

"Nay, but I shall find her or die trying to!"

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