I Love Thee

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The last paragraph in the last chapter last night got lost when I posted the chapter and even though I went back and wrote it again, most people didn't see it, so I'm going to start this chapter with the last paragraph that was lost yesterday.


The beast wiped the spit from his face with his arm, and trembled with rage. He then slapped the princess with his thick palm and sent her flying through the air, knocking her unconscious as she fell on the ground. Raising the hand that held the leather whip, the beast was bout to whip her again when a heavy booted foot rammed up his arse knocking him to the ground. Before the beast had time to react to what had just happened to him, a sword pierced through his evil heart and he died instantaneously.


Patrick dropped his bloody sword and bent over Camille's unconscious body. He hurriedly scooped her up in his strong amd possesive arms. "Get the hell out of my way!" He yelled to the crowd, as he ran faster than the speed of light towards his tent.

Having already foreseen in his vision details about the beautiful princess, the wizard was waiting for them to arrive, he had already prepared the healing salve, and worried not about Camille. The young princess would survive the ordeal, her wounds were not such that would kill her.

His eyes filled with tears when he saw her marked body, and he cursed out loud. The wizard knelt besides them and spread the paste over the princess's wounded back, she stiffened and moaned with pain.

"Oh God," Patrick cried out without shame.

When the wizard was done spreading the medicine paste across Camille's back, he whispered a magical verse to speed up the heeling process and lifted himself to his feet. "Worry not Patrick, she will survive. By tomorrow night you will be making passionate love to her on your sleeping mat!" He said with eyes that gleamed with laughter.

"Why didn't you warn me of this before it happened!" Patrick asked, angry that the wizard waited to tell him after it was too late.

"Because the both of you needed a wake up call and now you have it!" The wizard answered as he lifted the flap to the tent and stepped out. A smile curved his lips as he walked away and felt the evenings breeze caress his face. Things were finally falling into place, just as he knew they would.


The music had started again and the dance floor was packed with dancers who were having the time of their life. The dead body was removed from the dance floor and the whole incident was forgotten. The two warriors mourned the death of their friend, but ran for their lives and hid behind some bushes by the shoreline, knowing that Patrick will come looking for them once he tends to the beauties wounds.

"Because of that bitch our Boss is gone!" One of the two Warriors said angrily.

"Mayhap we should go back and make her pay for what's she's done!" The other said. "We should avenge our friend! Tomorrow night when everyone will be chanting the rituals, we can sneak away from the ceremony and go grab her, but I am going to have her first, because it was my idea to go and kidnap her not yours!"

"Yeah but you went first with the other wench we kidnapped the last time, that's not fair!"

"Shut up, I'm in charge here, and besides, you won't be able to handle her by yourself. After I finish with her, you and I can share her." The smart one said.

Scratching his head, the dumb warrior tried to make sense of what the other said, "Why do you get to have her twice?"

The smart one slapped the dumb one on his head, "Are you dense, I'm going to go first so I can prepare her for you, and then I shall join you when it is your turn, so I can help you, because I am a good friend, you should be thankful amd not question my motives!"


Slowly the bright sun made it 's magical entrance, like a brilliant fireball bursting into flames, and hung like an ornament in the blue sky. Michael climbed up the small hill to where Edward stood guard.

"Morning, why don't you go take a rest, you have been standing here all night!"

"I'm fine, I don't need to rest!" Edward said and turned his back on his older brother.

"You have not been enjoying the festivities, you don't enjoy anything at all anymore! Do you think by ignoring everything and everyone around you that it will bring Julia back? She won't return brother until it is her time, and then Stephan will tell you and you can go find her, but that could takes years and eons! Do not live a miserable life Edward, I want to see you happy and living a fulfilled life, it's been ages since I last saw your lips curve into a smile!" Michael told him.

Edward whirled around and his eyes were hazed with pain, "That's easy for you to say, you have Kyra and live a happy life, I don't have anyone!"

"That's your choice Edward! You can have anyone you want, not a single woman would ever turn you down, but you choose to be alone!"

"I don't want anyone brother, I'd rather be alone and wait for Julia to return."

Michael expelled a deep breath, and slapped his brother on his back, "I hope for your sake brother that she returns soon."

Edward watched his brother walk down the hill and only then did he allow the tears in his eyes to spill forth. Closing his eyes tightly, he envisioned Julia, and his heart squeezed with pain.

Michael walked back to his tent and lifted the flap, his beautiful wife was combing her long tresses when she looked up at him. The Druids heart skipped a beat, she was so beautiful, he thought, as he walked inside and wrapped his arms around her. The warrior was very thankful that his wife was sound and safe, he knew that without her he would have died a thousand deaths. He pitied Edward, and made a mental note to ask Stephan when Julia will return to earth.


As the evening wore on, there was an unsettled feeling in every single warrior throughout the land. Tonight was a big deal and there would be no music or dancing, the women will be asked to stay in their tents while the Warriors prepared for the ceremony.

A prickling feeling crept up and down Michael's spine, what if something went wrong, what then?

"Son, soon we will prepare for a quick meeting before the ceremony starts, is there anything you want to share with me?"

Stephan threw his father a questioning glare, "No father, there is nothing more to share, I have told you for the hundredth time not to worry about tonights ceremony. Save your stress for New Year's Eve, that's what you should focus all your attention on, on that day father, you will witness hell on earth!"

"What do you know of that day son?" Miacahel asked in a soft tone of voice. He did not want to show his son that he feared the coming of that day. "I need to know everything so I can plan accordingly.

"After tonight's ceremony I will fill you in, but you are not to repeat anything I tell you until it is the right time to do so father."

Michael looked away from his son, fearing his eyes might reveal how scared he was. "Go make the announcement that the pre ceremony is about to start. Remind everyone that the women and children should stay inside their tents and under no circumstance are they allowed to leave."

"Aye father," Stephan said, and he walked away, leaving behind Michael and his tortured thoughts.

Thank you for your votes and comments. Xoxxoxxoxo

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