Days of Darkness

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Lightening flashed across the dark sky and a clap of thunder roared angrily as the dark clouds rolled over Sterlingshire. The winds picked up and the rain pelted against the window panes and Alana's hooded eyes lowered to the courtyard and she watched the rain as it washed away all the debri that was left behind from the day's events.

The Druidess's sky blue eyes averted to the back of the gardens where the Cemetary was and she felt a stab of pain pierce her heart. Her hands scrunched the sides of her gown, to keep from howling with pain. She blamed herself for the many deaths of her people and especially for Hawks death. Sweet Hawk who was filled with love and respect for her family. Hawk who defended her people with his life and who loved Nessa with a passion that was greater than life.

Her heart broke just thinking about Nessa, Violet and sweet Adeline, who have not stopped crying since that awful day. A month has gone by, but the imprints of the New Year's Eve will haunt everyone at Sterlingshire forever.

Black sheets were draped around every single mirror in the castle, reminding every single person who lived in the castle of that tragic day when their lives turned up side down. Everyone wore black, including all the men at Sterlingshire. They wore the black mourning cloth around their muscled arms, and the McCalister men even grew a beard.The women were dressed in black from head to toe. There hair were tied back in a bun and a black laced cap covered their head. Everyone mourned, everyone cried, and everyone prayed day and night.

The Grand Hall felt dead, no one played games anymore, conversations were cut to a bare minimum, and children's laughter did not fill the castle anymore. Everyone was depressed, and full of pain, but Nessa was the worst of all of them. She didn't eat, she didn't speak and she barely slept. Her beautiful face was stained with tears and there were black circles under her eyes.

Bella was her sole companion, she rebuked anyone else who came near her, including her children. She locked her door and sat in her chair day in and day out, crying her heart out and thinking of ways to end her miserable life.

Bella knew what the Druidess was thinking and she pitied her. Snuggling more comfortable on Nessa lap, Bella closed her eyes and tried to sleep. It was not even an hour later that her eyes popped open and she was awake and alert. She saw him! She saw Hawk!

Her heart pumped wildly against her furry chest, and Bella blinked back her tears, Hawk was alive! He was living in another dimension and she had to find a way to tell Nessa!

The cat danced, rolled and jumped on the Druidess's lap to get her attention, but the woman was so deeply mourning the loss of her husband that she paid no heed to Bella who was desperately trying to tell her to stop crying because Hawk lived!

Exhausted, Bella jumped off her lap and marched to the door, mayhap she thought, Stephan or Alana would know to help her.


"It's just not the same, nothing will ever be the same again!" Michael said, and clutched his chest. His heart was beating wildly of late and he made a mental note to visit Alana, perhaps, he thought, she has a healing herb that can help him.

"What is done is done! Besides Hawk will return in no time." Thomas said.

"Try telling Nessa that, have you seen the way she mourns for him?" Silas pitched in and said.

"Can you blame her, that's her soulmate." Sidri stepped in and said.

Everyone turned to look at the King, "Like you care that Hawk is dead, you hated his guts!"

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