Why Two Days Later

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Michael was in a state of panic, it was two days before Halloween. Looking around him, he saw everyone dancing and drinking as if they had not a care in the world. Didn't they realize that in two days all hell can break loose and the world as they know it can cease to exist in the blink of an eye? Dropping his face in his hands, Michael took a moment to ease his nerves. 

"Father stop worrying, your depressing me, stressing out from now won't help a thing!" Stephan said  in a low tone of voice, making sure no one heard his words but his father.

"This burden I carry is weighing me down son, I cannot relax until the ritual is said and done, the walls remain up, and everyone is safe and secure!" He responded, as he threaded his fingers through his thick mane of hair, and pulled it back into a pony tail and tied it with his black leather thong.

Stephan took a deep inhalation of breath, "I know these are trying times, but we shall get through them. I'm more worried about New Year's Eve than Halloween, the forces will be tenfold on that day. Halloween doesn't compare to New Year's Eve at all father. Save your energy for then."

Michael turned to face his son, a worried expression was etched on his handsome chiseled face. Suddenly a feeling of need engulfed him, he needed Kyra in  his arms. Jumping to his feet, and surprising his son, he walked through the crowds to find his wife. 


The entire day Silas waited to catch Isobel alone so he could find a way to bring her to a secluded spot where he can seduce her, but he did not see her out and about, until now. He watched as she made her way to the dance floor with the MacAlister women. He also watched as Camran raced after her to claim the first dance.

Nicholas saw his brothers eyes pinned on Isobel and knew trouble was brewing. "Brother, standing around doing nothing about the fact that Camran beat you to Isobel is depressing. Be a man and go claim what rightfully belongs to you, or you'll find yourself regretting not making haste." 

"Fauck off Nicholas, and mind you own business!" Silas threw over his shoulder as he marched to the dance floor.

He knew that Nicholas was right, but he wasn't looking for a wife, he just wanted Isobel so he can beat Camran. Sliding his way through the huge facing crowd, he came next to Camran and Isobel, and took a deep breath of inhalation before he opened his mouth.

"Isobel I need to have a word with you." He said, as his heart pounded against his muscled chest. Her blue eyes sparkled when she turned to face him. 

"We have nothing to talk about you and I." She said, amd then she dismissed him and turned to look at Camran.

No woman had ever done that to him before, "I must speak with you, now!" 

"The lady said she has nothing to say to you!" Camran said through gritted teeth.

"The lady can speak for herself!" Growled Silas.

Camran hand reached for his sword, but Isobel was quick to say, "No Camran, tis not worth it! I shan't be long." 

Isobel stepped away from Camran and allowed Silas to pull her gently away from the dance floor. She only went with him, she told herself, because she wanted to defuse the situation at hand and not because her heart hammered against her chest because Silas was so freaking handsome.

Silas pulled her away from the crowds at the fest and walked her towards the ocean. He was anxious to seduce her tonight, because he didn't know if he would have another chance like this to be alone with her before she marries Camran. A smile curled his lips at the thought of Camran finding out on his marriage bed that he wasn't her first.

When they reached the sandy beach, Isobel pulled her hand away from his and turned to face him, "What was so important that you had to take me away and bring me here?" She asked.

Silas was left speechless, Isobel was very beautiful and she took his breath away. Pulling a strand of hair away from her face, he said hoarsely, "I have fallen in love with you and felt like I had to tell you this tonight!" He lied.

Isobel arched her eye brow, "You have fallen in love with me? I don't believe you!" She said in a clipped tone, "you are a womanizer, a rogue, and a godless man!" 


"I assure you I know what is in my heart!" He told her, his face only inches away from hers.

Isobel's nostrils flared at the raw male scent of him. The butterflies in her stomach flapped their wings and she nearly drowned with love for him. Angry at herself for loosing control of her senses, she snapped, "Have you lost your mind?"

"Yes I have, but if you place your hand here, " he told her in a husky tone of voice as he grabbed her hand and placed it on his heart. "You shall see how my heart beats for only you."

Silas prided himself in his choice of words. The wench looks as if she might believe what he is telling her, he thought with his male ego. 

Isobel didn't know what to believe anymore, she so desperately wanted for him to be telling the truth, but she wasn't willing to risk it. Pulling her hand angrily away from him, she said, "take me back Silas, I don't want to be here anymore!" 


A few feet away behind a bold huge rock, lay Bella on her back underneath her Zorro. 

"You rock my world Bella," Zorro said hoarsely as he jumped Bella savagely. 

"Stop talking and show me what you've got!" Bella told him, and rolled her eyes. She hated smooth talking cats, they reminded her of Harry!

Zorro thrust deeply inside her, wanting to prove to his Cleopatra that his Twinkie was better than any she has ever had, but Bella's mind was not on Zorro, she was thinking of how good it would feel if Harry caught them together like this. 


Archangel Gabriel watched Alana sleep, and wondered why the Masters put him in charge of her. They knew as well as he did what the future held, and they still insisted that he be her guardian. Why would they do that? Dropping to his knees, the archangel cacooned himself by placing his huge wings around him, and then he prayed for salvation. 

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