Parallel Worlds

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The warrior sank to his knees and grieved the loss of the woman he loved. He was devasted that she disappeared again into thin air, and he did not know how to handle it. Tiny snowflakes kissed his handsome, chiseled face, and James closed his eyes and tried to calm himself.

"Grieving for her won't bring her back! Stand up and act like the warrior that you are, you must stay strong until you meet again!" Stephan said, hours later when he found the warrior frozen in the middle of the meadow.

James opened his eyes and lifted his warrior body in a standing position, "Am I going to see her again?"



"I can't say for sure, she is blurry in my visions, which can only mean that it will be during the last days before Armageddon. Nothing is clear to me about the last days, because it can go either way."

The warrior swallowed a lump in his throat, "The vision you see of her, is she alive, is she well?" His voice was hoarse, his eyes full of pain and suffering and Stephan hated to see his uncle tortured in this way.

"I already told you, my visions are blurry, she seems to be alive, but I know nothing of her wellness nor do I know if she will survive. I'm sorry I can't see anything more." Stephan told him. "Let's go home uncle James, the family awaits your arrival so we can start the meeting."

"Go on ahead without me, tell Michael I will be there shortly." he told his nephew.


Pauletta opened her eyes and jumped out of bed, "Oh my, God, oh my God, oh my God!" She cried as she paced back and forth. "What do I do now, how can I move on with life, after this?"

Crazy out of her mind, Pauletta walked into the living room and dumped her body on the couch. Many thoughts plagued her mind, and she was hurting beyond belief. She could still feel the warmth of his lips on hers, and the strong arms that held her tightly against his muscled chest.

This was the second day, and there was only one more day left to go. The saying goes that the magic of the koufetta work only for three days. Pauletta tried to calm herself so she can think of exactly what he had said to her. She remembers him asking her what year she was from, and where she lived, but she also remembered him saying the word 'no' right before she was pulled away from him.

What did he mean when he yelled out no? No what?

Pauletta cried her heart out, was this real she asked herself, or was she just dreaming a beautiful dream. Maybe her mind made it all up because she was feeling lonely. Ever since she left her foster home when she turned eighteen, she has been feeling lonely, especially during the holidays.

Pulling herself to her feet, she walked back to her room and climbed back to bed. It was only four in the morning, and her alarm will not go off for another two more hours. Closing her eyes, the warrior was the last thing she thought about before she fell back into deep sleep.


James watched Stephan walk away, and took a deep breath of inhalation. He then closed his eyes and relaxed himself, it was a very important meeting they will be having and he needed to clear his mind of all obstacles that stood in his way of thinking. A half hour later, when the warrior was calm and collective, he finally opened his eyes.

She stood before him, her beautiful, blue eyes were full of tears, and she reached her hand out to him, "Please, I don't know how I got here or if I shall ever come back, but I want you to know that I love you."

The Druid stood frozen, he did not move, afraid that if he did so she would disappear again.

"" She repeated in a mere whisper and took a step forward.

"No! Stop, don't move!" He yelled, "it might trigger whatever brings you here and take you back to where you came from."

"Tell me your name warrior so that I may know to whom I lost my heart to." She said, as fresh tears rolled down her beautiful face.

"My name is James Macalister of Sterlingshire."

"James I don't know if we will ever meet again, but you need to know that I have fallen in love with you."

"And I you!" He said hoarsely. "We are soulmate's Pauletta."


"Aye, I'll explain later, first I must get all the information I need from you before you disappear again."

"What good would that do? Clearly we are from different worlds, what year is this?"


"How could this be?"

"Our worlds are parallel to each other!"

"What? How?"

"There are million of dimensions, and many parallel worlds, but I will find you Pauletta, I promise you this!"

"How will you find me if we are from different world!"

"Stay alive Pauletta and I will find you!" He cried hoarsely.

"How will you come to my world?"

"I can, and I will come for you!"

Pauletta felt the pull again, "If that is true, I live in New York, I will be in time square on New Year's Eve when they drop the ball! Please be there!" She said desperately, and threw herself into his muscled arms.

"No Pauletta stop!" The warrior yelled, but it was too late, he wrapped his arms around her tightly knowing that at any moment she will disappear. Closing his eyes, the warrior inhaled her scent, he wanted to memorize everything single little thing about her. "Marry me Pauletta!"


"Marry me!" He said hoarsely, and he let go of her, and pulled his knife out. Slicing a thin line across his palm, Pauletta watched as the blood dripped from his thick hand, "give me your hand Pauletta so I may do the same to yours!"

As if in a trance, Pauletta gave him her right hand and he cut a thin line across her palm too. Dropping the knife on the snowy ground, the Druid took her hand in his, "I James Macalister of Sterlingshire take thee, Pauletta, as my wife, to love and to cherish till death do us part!"

Pauletta's eyes opened wide, he was marrying her!

"Say your vows Pauletta!" He said desperately, as they both felt the strong pull, "say them Pauletta, hurry!"

"I Pauletta Rose, take thee, James of Sterlingshire as my husband, to love and obey till death do us part!" She cried.

"Our blood binds us together and we are now one Pauletta, you are my wife!"James told her in a husky tone of voice, and kissed her passionately just as the pull that was like a magnet tore them apart.

"Pauletta!" He yelled, as she drifted away. "I love you!"

"Remember time square, I will be waiting there for you on New Year's Day!" She called out right before she was sucked away like a vacuum.

"No! Stay away from there tis too dangerous!" He yelled as he chased after her. "Do not go there Pauletta!"

She was gone, leaving no trance behind that she was ever there. Dropping to his knees the warrior beat his chest with his fists, as tears streamed down his face.

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