Bad Decisions

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Sarah bent her head over the wash bin and wretched her guts out, she could not deny the reality of the situation any more, the Druidess was pregnant. Pracheeta jumped to her feet and a
grabbed a wash towel.

"You can't deny it anymore Sarah, you're pregnant and you know it!" Pracheeta told her, "You  must tell Cameran, he deserves to know."

Sarah lifted her head and turned to face her friend. "No, I will not tell him," She angrily said, "He is not worthy of the truth!"

"You can't hide the fact, soon your stomach will be huge and all will know your secret, and then what?" Pracheeta argued.

Sarah grabbed the wash towel from Pracheeta hands and wiped her face. "I shall destroy the evidence, and no one will be the wiser."

The beautiful Indian girl's eyes popped wide open, "You can't be serious Sarah, you can't kill an innocent child of God?"

"I can and I will, what else would you have me do?" Sara argued and threw herself on the bed. "Camran doesn't love me, and news that he will soon become a father would make him despise me even more!"

She was right, Pracheeta thought, this was a bad situation any way she looked at it, "Mayhap when he finds out that he will soon be a father he will like the idea and ask you to marry him."

"Nay! I shall not trap him into marriage, I have my pride and refuse to get married in that way Pracheeta," Sarah explained and lifted herself off the bed, "Besides, even if he asked me to marry him on his own, I still would not accept, because of the way he has treated me."

Pracheeta remained silent, Daniel hasn't treated her with any disrespect, he just simply ignores her existence.

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to destroy the fetus."


"Aye, I refuse to give birth to a child who's father doesn't love me, what kind of a life would my babe have if his own father denies his existence? Camran won't claim my child as his and the babe will be branded a bastard!"

"Aye, you have a good point, but how do you go about destroying a fetus?" Pracheeta asked, already feeling sorry for the little babe that was going to be denied a chance to live.

"I'm going to stick the fire poker up my you know what and poke it until the fetus is destroyed!" Sarah claimed, already feeling nauseated again

"That's crazy, you can't do that, it's sounds too dangerous!"

"It won't be dangerous, I promise I will be careful. Now can you please leave, I'm very tired and want to rest." Sarah lied, anxious to get rid of the fetus as soon as possible.

The beautiful Indian girl made her way to the door, "I'll be back later." She threw over her shoulders, as she exited Sarah's chamber and headed straight to Kyra's.


Sarah reached for the medal fire poker and caressed the smooth tip of it with her fingers. Taking a deep breath of inhalation, the Druidess closed her eyes and wrapped her hand tightly around the fire poker. It was either now or never she thought with dismay, not wasting any time, afraid she might change her mind, she lifted her gown with her free hand and opened her legs.

"Do it now!" She whispered to herself hoarsely, and rammed the poker inside her uterus.

Severe pain shot throughout her entire body, but Sarah jammed the poker even deeper up her uterus, wanting to destroy the fetus and end all her ties with Camran. The Druidess could feel the blood glide down her legs, but that only gave her more strength to finish what she had started.

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