Return to Sterlingshire

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By the time everything was said and done, it was daytime when the Macalisters returned with their small party. The stable boys retrieved the horses and everyone went inside the castle. The servants were bustling about trying to prepare for breakfast and the smell of bacon and sausage filled the Great Hall. 

"I'm starving!" Thomas growled, and marched in the dining area to take his place at the table. 

Everyone followed after him, William's nostrils flared and his stomach growled as he sniffed the air around him, "Your Cook sure knows how to hypnotized a man with her cooking!" The Prince said as he took a place at the MaCalister's long wooden table, sitting next to his beloved. 

"Aye, we've been very lucky to find her!" Seth said, as he made himself comfortable on the opposite side of the table. 

A servant girl came and placed a glass of orange juice in front of Seth, "Go to my chambers and tell Kristina to come for breakfast, do not tell her that Valerie is here, tis a surprise!" 

"Aye." The servant girl said, and bowed before she left. 

Dora, who had spied in her looking glass the night before and had known all along the outcome, was very excited to be eating among royals. She was so excited that she even forgot about the Wizard. Walking over to where the Queen sat, she bowed in front of her and said, "My Queen, you are more beautiful in person than I ever imagined." 

"There is no need to bowed whenever you come around me, in this castle we are all equals, rise and let me see your smile." The Queen humbly said, already loving Sterlingshire. 

Dora raised herself to her full height and smiled, "My name is Dora and I am pleased to meet you." 

"Likewise Dora, I think me and you will be good friends, after breakfast if you like, you can show me around my new home." The Queen said softly.

"Yes I would love that." Dora said, as she found a place at the table for her to sit. 

It did not take long for the dining area to fill up with hungry people, the McCoys and the McClouds were still at Sterlingshire and they all arrived in the dining area and made their way to their assigned tables. Dora could not help but steal a glance at the wizard as he passed the Macalister table, but quickly averted her eyes when he turned and looked at her, throwing her a smile to die for.

Dora's cheeks burned crimson red, she was embarrassed that he caught her looking at him again, and she wanted to crawl under the table and hide. The wizard sat at his table with his entire family, but he made sure to sit in a chair that faced the enchantress. He liked her and wanted to ask her to go for a walk with him in the gardens as soon as breakfast was over. 

Kristina's green gown flowed like a princess as she came down the stairs, worried lines were etched on her beautiful face, how can her husband even think of eating when their daughter was missing, she thought with dismay.

Angry at her husband, thinking he was not behaving in a fatherly matter, she marched in the dining room to give him a piece of her mind and did not notice her daughter sitting at the table directly across from Seth. "How dare you sit down and eat peacefully when our daughter is out there somewhere, possibly fighting for her life, have you no heart!"

Everyone across the table turned to look at Kristina who had placed her hands on her hips and stared angrily at her husband. 

"But...." Seth tried to tell her that their daughter was right in front of her but she didn't allow him to speak.

"Don't you but me! Go back out there and bring me back my daughter, or I swear to you I will go find her myself!" 

"But ....." Seth tried again.

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now