When Love Conquors All

978 110 10

The door to the Guest chamber crashed open and the giant Fay Warrior stood in the doorway. The anger that consumed him held him prisoner and froze his feet to the ground.

When the earthquake shook the ground and darkness fell upon earth, Evan's gut told him to run not walk to this room where he knew and sensed that the archangel had come to claim his soulmate.

The expression on his face was priceless as he watched the huge archangel lift himself to his full height and tower above him in his naked glory.

The black smiths eyes took in the scene before him and knew he was too late. The anger melted away from his heart leaving behind a sorrow deeper than death.

Gabriel quickly pulled the ivory sheet off the bed and wrapped it around Alana's body to cover her nakedness, before he turned around and faced Evan.

"She's with child." His voice was hoarse and full of passion.

The black smiths body stiffened and he curled his hands to fists at his side. Overwhelmed with grief that he was too late, Evan closed the wooden door and threw his hands above his head on the stone wall and leaned against it. Closing his eyes, the Fay tried but did not succeed, to release the pressure in his heart.

"We don't have much time, I need you to pay attention to my next words!" Gabriel said hoarsely, "you're life with Alana starts now, you will claim the babe as yours and take Alana to safety!"

Anger crawled in and around Evans heart. Whirling around, he faced the archangel and his eyes had darkened dangerously, "You dare to tell me that she is with child, a child that you have created, and you think that I will claim the babe as mine?"

"Aye." Gabriel responded softly, "you shall raise the child as yours or they will kill it!"

"Who will kill it?" Alana's maternal instincts kicked in and she covered her belly with her hands.

Ignoring Alana's words, the archangel bore his eyes into the Fays, "The evil ones will kill it if they find out I created a child with Alana."

Alana gasped and both warriors turned to face her.

"Our child will be safe, Evan will protect it with his life, I promise you this Alana." The archangel said quickly.

"You think I will protect a child that's from your seed ?" The Fay roared angrily.

"Aye, you will because you love Alana."

Evan was enraged with madness, "I do not love Alana! Why would I love a woman who gives herself to another man!"

With supreme calmness, the archangels voice softened and warmth emanated  from his eyes as he spoke, "You love her  because she is your destiny, as am I."

The Fay warriors shoulders dropped, and he fell back against the stone wall, feeling defeated and destroyed, "I will not claim a child as mine when it belongs to you!"

"If you don't it shall die, and you will carry the burden of the sin, it is written in the book of life." Gabriel said softly.

"It is also written that she is my soulmate but you took her from me!"

"No Evan she is not your soulmate, she is both of our soulmates, and she gave her heart to me first."

"If you had left and never returned she would have loved me first! You stole her from me, and you stole her blue prints from the book of life so I would not find out that I am the rightful owner of her heart!" The realization of his words were like daggers in his heart. What was done could never be undone, her heart now belonged to Gabriel. "I curse you to hell, you stole my life!"

"Nay Evan, it was I who chose to love Gabriel, ''tis not his fault!"

Evan turned his head and faced Alana, his eyes searched hers for the truth and when he realized that she spoke the truth he took a deep inhalation of breathe as hate for the archangel claimed him.

"If you love her then save my child Evan, he is innocent of sin!" The archangel pleaded, "he is our only way to salvation, without my babes existence Alana's and my soul are doom to hell!"

All fell silent in the chambers as all three were lost in their own thoughts.

The Fay warrior looked at his soulmate and for a moment wondered what it would have felt like to have been her first love. He closed his eyes for a second to try and capture the moment of being her only soulmate.

"I will save Alana and the child, but I want something in return!" The Fay said.

"Aye, and I shall honor your request!" The archangel said, knowing full well what the Fay was thinking.

Alana looked from one warrior to another and her heart sank, she too knew what the Fay would ask for and she quickly jumped to her feet.

"Nay Gabriel, I shall not be the Fays wife!" She said with conviction. "I belong to you, you and I are soulmates and I love only you!" Throwing herself on the archangel, Alana held on to him tightly never wanting to let go.

The Fay cursed out loud and tore her away from Gabriel, "I forbid you to touch him ever again!" He said through clenched teeth, "if I am to carry the burden of marrying you, to save you and the babe from burning in hell, then I want your Solemn promise that you shall forget his existence!"

Alana tried her hardest to get away from Evan, but his grip was iron steel. "Let go of me beast, I shall never be your wife, nor will I ever forget my soulmates existence, I love him!"

Anger boiled inside the Fay's heart, he felt cheated out of his happiness, "I will only help you if you love and obey me!"

"I will never love and obey you beast, now let me go!" Alana screamed.

"Stud!" The archangels deep voice thundered behind them, "you will love and obey him, he is our only hope Alana!"

Alana was about to respond, but the Fay jumped in first and looked straight into the eyes of the archangel, "You will leave us and never return Gabriel if you want my help." The Fay warrior said in a firm and unwavering voice. "I in return will marry Alana and claim your son as mine!"

Evans heart pounded wildly against his heart, this was his chance to fix the damage that was done. Evan felt the soulmate connection with Alana tugging at him and he knew that he could win her heart if the archangel disappeared form their lives.

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