The Gatherings

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With a trembling hand Leathan pressed the lobby button, before he raked his fingers through his thick mane of hair. The evil ones are probably preparing to strike at midnight and Tinesha was going to go blindly right to the death pit! When the elevator doors opened he headed straight out of the glass doors of Fays industries, and looked up and down the streets of Manhattan, but Tinesha had already disappeared. 

"We need to talk!" His voice was deep and sounded troubled.

Leathan stiffened, and whirled around to face Charles. "Oh?" He said, raising an eye brow, "what can we possibly have to talk about Seelie?" He sneered.

Charles golden eyes turned cold and dangerous, and he snarled before he responded, "You know exactly what we need to talk about!" 

"And what makes you think that I want to talk to you about anything? Go away before I break your neck!" Leathan told him, before he jumped into his sporty Mercedes that was parked outside of Fays industries and his foot pressed on the gas petal. 

The Mercedes sped off and Charles watched it disappear into the traffic. Taking a deep breath of inhalation, he disappeared in broad daylight, and reappeared on the leather seat next to Leathan. 

"What the Hell!" Leathan growled, and swerved away from the traffic and into a side street where he pulled to a complete stop by the curb. "Get the hell out of my car Seelie before I throw you out!" He roared.

Charles clenched his jaw tightly, he wanted to punch the smart ass square in the face, but knew that it was important that he speak with him first. "You have broken all the rules of engagement, you have disrespected the the laws of the Seelie, you have angered my king to no avail, you have even angered your King by your indifference to the problem at hand, and now you think you can just walk away from me without any strings attached!"

"I owe you nothing!" Leathan hissed.

"You owe me your life!"

"It was to my understanding that it was you who owed me your life!"

"Very well, we owe each other, you must at least admit that!" Charles told him. 

Leathan curled his huge hand into a fist and punched the dash board. "Speak before I loose my patience and choke the life out of you!"

"I hate you just as much as you hate me, but even our King's have united to combat the evil ones on this dreaded day! Do you have any idea what's at stake here?" 

There hasn't been a day that has gone by that Leathan didn't think about doomsday, "Aye I do, but there is nothing we can do, what is written can never be unwritten!"

"What are you saying? Have you read the blue prints for tonight, because I have searched for a thousand years and could not find them!" Charles admitted.

"Aye, I have seen the faucken blue prints and have lived with this knowledge for over a thousand years, do you have any idea what my life was like after that?"

"Then why have you not told someone and relieve yourself of the burden?" 

"I did not want the burden placed on another, it was hell for me, I would not wish someone else to suffer like I have all theses years." Leathan explained.

"What exactly did you see, and what can we do to stop this madness tonight?"

The Unseelie Fay cursed out loud. "Don't you think that if I knew I would have done something a long time ago? The fate of the world will be sealed tonight. Unless a miracle happens, we will all suffer a terrible fate!" 

"And you think we should just wait around for a miracle, and do nothing to prevent Armageddon?" 

"There is nothing we can do, the evil ones will come among the people in a disguise."

"What does that mean exactly?" Charles asked, confused by Leathan's words. 

"It means that they will use innocent unsuspecting people to do their work."


"They will jump into the human bodies and force them to kill, it will seem to the world that terrorist were responsible for the beginning of the what would one day be called dooms day, but in fact it will be them all along!"

"How sure are you of this?"

"One million percent, I read and reread the blue prints a million times over before they were stolen from where I had hidden them. Even if we wanted to stop them, we can't, because we won't know who they are, it could be anyone in the tens of thousands tonight at Time Square. They could be staring right next to you and you wouldn't even know it. It could be a man, a woman or even a child, it could be anyone and we would not know it until it starts!" Leathan explained. "They will not look like monsters, with scaly tails and fire coming out of their mouths, they will look like you and me, and hide among the massive crowds until it's time, and when the clock strikes midnight and the ball drops in Time Square, all hell will break loose and it will set off the beginning of the end!"

His skin prickled when a cold shiver ran up and down Charles spine at the thought of the evil ones taking over earth, "Then come with me Leathan," Charles said hoarsely, "let's go and help humanity tonight, mayhap we can take down the evil forces and salvage earth and the human race!"


"Jackie, I need a favor from you." Tinesha said, as she dropped herself on the recliner. 

"Ok, anything you want, if I can do it , I will." Jackie told her, excited that her friend came home from work, she was bored out of her mind staying all day in the house by herself.

"I changed my mind, I want to go to Time Square tonight and I want you to come with me and Fatema." 

That was the last thing Jackie expected her to ask of her. "Oh come on Tinesha, you know I hate huge crowds and staying up late, and besides, I was looking forward to ordering pizza and hanging out with you and Fatema. Didn't you say we were going to watch 'It's a wonderful life' on television!"

"Yes I did, but I changed my mind and I really want to go to Time Square, please say yes." 

Jackie expelled a deep breath, "Fine, but after the ball drops I'm coming back home, I don't want to stay out and party all night!"

"That's fine, I don't intend to stay out all night either, after the ball drops I promise we can come back home and eat pizza and watch the movie."


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