The Indian Ocean

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Anger driven, Camran did not care that the chopped waves and eighty miles per hour winds were blasting through his ship and had his men scattering like a bunch of pack rats running for cover.

"This is insane captain, we just turn the ship around! I fear a cyclone might be headed our way, the monsoon winds are picking up speed and the waves are monstrous!" His second in command yelled, but his words were caught in the wind and Camran did not hear a thing. "Captain we are going to die if we don't turn back!"

"Have you no faith man? I know how steer a ship! If you are afraid go inside with the rest of them and let me do my job!" Camran roared.

The man gave up trying to persuade Camran to change course and he decided to go and find the others and pray with them, for surly they too feel the need to call upon the Lord and ask for mercy, no man ever found themselves in a cyclone and lived to tell about it

The angry winds roared angrily and tore at the sails, and the heavy rain came pouring down drenching the captain, but he was determined to reach India no matter what. With a steady hand, Camran steered his ship all night long not paying heed to anthing around him. Nothing can stop him, he felt no fear, only a cold bitterness which turned to hate and revenge.


Sarah did not fear darkness, nor did the fact that the ship felt as if it was about to tip over and drown them all terrorize her because she knew that the Druid was famous for his steady hand, but this is not what she had expected. She was starving, and sick and tired of hiding under the captains bed. The Druid had not come into the cabin not once! Three days and three horrid nights she has been hiding in his cabin and still she has not seen him.

The Druidess slid her aching body from under Camran's bed and hauled herself to her feet. At that moment the ship swayed to the left throwing Sarah to the other side of the cabin like a rag doll. She sat there hunched in the corner in a fetal position for a good two hours finally feeling the stress from from what she had endured for the past three days.

When it felt safe to get up, Sarah walked to the captains bed and threw her bruised body on it, thinking to rest for a bit, the captain, she thought, won't come to his room anytime soon, and she can steal a few hours of sleep, her body needed rest. Jumping on the bed, she passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow.


When the rain finally stopped and the winds subsided the next morning, Camrans second in command came back on deck with his tail between his legs. The captain shook his head with disgust, humans are weaklings, he thought as he stepped aside and gave the to wheel him.

"Make sure you do not steer the ship off campus, order the men to mend the sails that are torn, and do not bother me for the next twenty four hours!" He threw over his shoulders as he made his way down below to his cabin.

The warrior was tired and he needed a drink, whiskey always helped him ease his nerves. Throwing the door open, he stepped inside his dark cabin, shut the door and marched straight to the liquor cabinet. Even though he couldn't see a thing, he found his way to the glass cabinet, and was grateful that the bottle of whiskey was still intact, and had not fallen and crashed to the floor. Twisting the cork off, Camran brought the bottle to his lips and swallowed the liquid until his throat burned his lungs. Placing the bottle on his desk, the Druid thought it was time to rest his body. Removing his kilt, he threw it on his desk and walked to his bed. Throwing his body on the mattress, Camran closed his eyes and fell asleep right away, not noticing Sarah's body that lay next to him.


Isabella was scared and confused, not knowing who or where she was. She tried to get herself out of bed, but because of her aches and pains she was not able to. She averted her eyes to where the handsome stranger stood, and wondered who he was, and why did he have her on his ship.

"Sir." She called out to him.

Silas turned around and rushed to her side. "Isabella?"

"Please sir, who are you and why am I on this ship?" She asked innocently.

Silas swallowed a lump in his throat, he just wanted to climb in bed with her, but dared not, because he knew that that would frighten her even more. "My name is Silas, I am captain of this ship."

"How did I get on this ship sir Silas?"

"Mayhap it would be better if we discussed this tomorrow when you will be feeling better." He told her, wanting desperately to tell her everything, but was afraid to.

"You called me Isabella, is that my name?"

Silas nodded and expelled a sigh of relief, at least she is alive and alert, he thought, "Aye, that is your name."

"Am I with child?" She asked him.


"Am I with child?" She asked again.

"Why would you ask me that?" Silas's heart pounded wildly against his chest as he waited for her to answer.

"Because I feel something moving inside my belly." She said, and Silas almost fell off his feet.


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