The Jar of Honey

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Sofia practiced her high notes, but her voice sounded a little scratchy. "Here, you must eat a few spoonfuls of honey, it will soften your throat!" Maria told her.

"I have heard that eating a boiled egg helps too!" Yasmin said.

"Yuck! Who would choose an egg over honey?" Violet asked, and snatched the honey jar right out of Maria's hands. 

Yasmin rolled her eyes, "Eggs have protein!"

"And honey has been known to be a powerful healing medicine, everyone knows that!" Violet snapped, and stuck a spoonful of honey in Sofia's mouth. "Kalan loves to use honey for many things, including the bedroom, he  spreads it over my...."

"Violet!" Nessa yelled as she entered the room, watch your tongue, there are maidens in the room!" 

Violet clamped her mouth shut, and gave Sofia another spoonful of honey, "There, that makes three! In a few hours you should repeat it again, the more honey you eat, the faster your throat will heal!" 

"I have a special potion that will cure the throat instantly!" Dora said as she made her way into the room, "Here drink this, and I promise you that you will be as good as knew in  no time!"

"What is it?" Sofia asked, as Dora the enchantress handed her the cup.

"It's a secret potion, just drink it and you shall see the results almost immediately." The witch said.

Thomas walked in the room after Dora, "Come with me Sofia." He said, and his glassy eyes was proof that he had been smoking something. 

"Why, where are you taking her, we are tying to help heal her scratchy throat!" Violet complained.

"Worry not, I know just the cure that will have her throat working in no time!" Thomas said, and he lifted Sofia in his arms. 

The enchantress placed her hands on her hips, "What do you have that could possibly work better than my potion?" Dora asked, 

"I have a secret potion under my kilt, and I guarantee that when I give it to her, she will be cured!" Thomas laughed, as he walked out of the room and headed to his chambers. 

Violet and Yasmin burst with laughter when they saw Dora's eyes open wide, and her face turn Crimson red, when she finally realized what the Druid meant by his words. Grabbing her cup, she marched out of the room muttering unintelligent words under her breath. 


Pracheeta expelled a sigh of relief, the swelling on her face was finally starting to go away, and one could see her beautiful, black eyes. The scars were fading quickly ever since Dora applied a healing paste on her face the other day, and her exotic features stood out. Pracheeta was a raving beauty before the beatings, and it wouldn't be long before her  face heals completely and she can claim her confidence back.

Wrapping the red cloth around her head and face, Pracheeta decided to go to the kitchen. She missed breakfast and lunch, and was starving. Mayhap she thought, Cook had saved a few scraps of food for her. Sneaking out of her room, she hurriedly raced through the hall and down the stairs. 

"What do we have here?" A deep male voice from behind Pracheeta said, and grabbed her by her arm. 

Pracheeta stiffened and her heart pounded against her chest as fear struck her. 

The warrior whirled her around, and his eyes lowered to her chest. "Remove your head wrap that I may see your face!" He commanded, as he slowly lifted his eyes to hers.

"Leave her alone!" Someone yelled from behind the Indian girl, "she belongs to the Macalisters!"

"I see you protect your servants with a passion!" The warrior snarled.

"She is not a servant, she is a guest in our home, and I demand you release her immediately !" Daniel growled, and curled his hands into fists at his side's, a move that did not go unnoticed by the warrior. 

Having no choice but to walk away, the warrior cursed under his breath and left. Daniel knew he had made an enemy today, but he was not intiminated in the least. He had the strength of ten lions, and would not hesitate to smash the Warriors face were he to disrespect the Indian girl again.

Daneil walked around Pracheeta and faced her. She was covered with the red cloth, and he couldn't see her face. His eyes bore into hers, the only part of her that was uncovered, and for a second he was left breathless. His heart beat against his muscled chest and he raised his trembling hand to remove the wrap from her face, but she pulled away from him and ran as fast as she could up the stairs. 

The Druids feet were glued to the floor, as he watched Pracheeta disappear from his view. Expelling a sigh of relief, Daniel thought for a second that he had felt electricity coursing through his body the moment his eyes fell on her, but he was glad that he was mistaken, he felt nothing now, and he pulled his shoulders back and walked away, the Indian girl already forgotten. 


Amira hid the jar of honey she had stolen from Violet between the ruffles of her gown, and made her way hastily to her chambers. As soon as she opened the door and walked inside her room, her eyes fell on Stephan, who had his back to her and was looking out the window. 

The giant warrior whirled around and Amira heart stopped beating, he is so handsome, she thought, as her hand tightened around the jar. 

The warrior walked across the room and stopped before her, his muscles rippled with every step that he took. Amira's heart pounded against her chest, her soulmate always had a huge effect on her whenever he was near her. 

"Amira." The warrior whispered hoarsely. 


"I've missed you!" He told her and pulled her into his arms. 

"I've brought you something." She said in a husky tone of voice just as his lips crashed over hers. 

He kissed her long and hard before he let her go, "What have you brought me?" He asked.

Amira raised her hand that held the jar of honey to his face, "This!" She said, and her eyes were hazed with want. 

Stephan arched an eye brow, "What is this?" He asked, and grabbed the jar out of her hand to inspect it. 


"Honey? Why did you bring me a jar of honey?"

Amira's face flushed with embarrassment, his response was not was she was hoping for. "I...well...I... Thought we can.....use it....on our......."

Stephan realized what she was trying to say and his throbbing shaft tripled in size. He whisked her in his arms and threw her on the bed. Pulling his kilt off his tapered waist, the Druid jumped on the bed.

"Give me the jar of honey!" He said hoarsely, and his eyes burned with desire.

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