The Painful Truth

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Alana could not get out of her mind the image of her husband adoring his babe. Falling into the chair next to her, she numbed her heart before it broke in two.

The fact that Saundra had gifted her husband his first born was something she would never get over. Placing her hands on her belly, Alana rubbed it gently.

"My son, what are we to do?" She whispered softly, "papa has a new life now with his mistress, how can we compete with that?"

She had seen the warmth in her husband's eyes when she stood by the doorway carefully watching the gentle way he so easily took on the roll of fatherhood.

It was almost nightfall, the festivities were long over and everyone was in their warm beds. Everyone but her, she thought with dismay, as pain surged through her heart.

Tears rolled down her beautiful face, knowing that her husband was still in Saundra's chamber. He spent the entire day with his mistress, not once coming to her for anything, as if her existence wasn't important. He didn't even allow her to enjoy the birth of his babe with him.

Her shoulders dropped and more tears were visible, was she dense, she thought, how would she even be able to enjoy a babe that was from her husband's seed born from his mistress?

Lady Mara was wrong, it wasn't the mistress that would hurt her, Alana new herself to be strong and quick and nothing and no none can ever physically hurt her, it was the notion of her husband bedding his mistress and producing a child that had her in a stressful situation where she could not accept the fact that her husband had betrayed her even before they had exchanged their vows.

It was the mental abuse of the thought that he fathered another child out of wedlock and her unborn babe was not from his loins. She would never be able to have his first born child for that opportunity was stolen from her by Saundra.


It was well after midnight when Evan tucked his babe next to Saundra who was already sleeping, and covered the both of them with a double blanket.

Walking over to the fire, he stoked the wood a few times and threw in the hearth three more logs to last them through the night.

Pulling the furs tightly around the windows to secure the warmth in the room, the Fay glanced once last time at the sleeping pair before he exited the chambers.

So deep in thought he was that he by passed his chambers and went straight down the stairs to the private library.

Closing the door behind him, Evan walked through the semi dark room and grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the shelf.

"Is that a new habit you have inherited now?" Lady Mara's voice surprised the heck out of the blacksmith.

Whirling around, he stared at his mother with annoyance. "What are you doing here at this late hour?" He growled, suddenly feeling the peace in his heart disappear.

"I was waiting for you to finally leave your mistress and come downstairs."

"How did you know I would come down here?" Evan asked, as he poured himself a shot of whiskey.

Lady Mara squared her shoulders and straightened her back, "I am your mother, and I know everything there is to know about you!"

"Aye, you're my mother and not my keeper, and I would appreciate it if you stop hunting me down, I am not a child anymore!"

"No you are not a child anymore correct, you are a selfish grown up man who is about to lose the one person you adore the most!" Lady Mara snapped angrily, "how long do you think Alana will put up with your selfish ways?"

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now