Torn to Pieces

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"I will leave and allow you peace so you can bond with Alana." It took everything inside the archangel to speak those words, "marry her Evan and love her and the babe more than you love yourself, protect them with your life, they are your destiny now."

"Leave us now and don't ever come back, the boy will be raised as my son I will love him as my own." The Fay said hoarsely, and tightened his hold on Alana.

The archangel knew that this was his only salvation, by leaving behind his earthly passions he will salvage his soul from doom, but everything came with a price and Gabriel hardened his heart and prepared himself to leave and never look back.

"Nay Gabriel, do not abandoned us!" Alana screamed, as she tried to escape the Fay's grip. "I won't live without you!"

Evans jaw clenched and he swirled Alana around to face him, "You belong to me now, and you will love and obey me, ''tis your duty as my wife. Tonight I shall make you my wife and when the babe is born I shall be the only father he shall know!"

"I will never be your wife!" Her words were droplets of water that turned to ice.

Her words sliced through his heart, and anger washed over the Fay. Grabbing her by her shoulders, Evan said through clenched teeth, "Silence, before I drag you out in the courtyard and flog you!"

Angered by her fate at the hands of a man she did not love, Alana spit in the Fay's face. "Get your paws off me!"

Crazed out of his mind, the Fay wiped the spit off his face and grabbed Alana by the hair.

"Alana stud!" Gabriel commanded, knowing full well that the Fay can hurt her if he chose. "you will do as he says to ensure yours and my sons survival!"

Evan realized that Alana had pushed him to his limits, he was many things, but he has never raised a hand at a woman before in his entire life.

Alana released herself from Evans grip and threw herself on the archangel, "Dont leave me Gabriel!" She cried hoarsely.

Pulling her away from him the archangel looked down at his soulmate,  and his eyes that were full of passion bored deep into hers. "I'm not leaving you Alana, I will always be with you here." He told her and tapped on her heart. "We made a big mistake today, one that we will both pay for with our lives, our only salvation is for me to leave and for you to wed Evan, by doing so it will ensure our child's safety and the salvation of our souls."

Alana felt a cold feeling running up and down her spine. He was leaving her. She should have known that Gabriel would never choose her over GOD. He has regretted the beautiful moments that they had shared and now he was gifting her to the Fay.

Lifting her chin up, Alana stared into the archangels face, her cold eyes bore into his, "I will do as you wish, from this moment forward I will love and obey Evan as my husband, I will worship him in bed and please him as any loving wife would."

Alana watched the pain in Gabriel's eyes as she mouthed her cold words, she wanted him to hurt, she wanted him to die a thousand deaths for abandoning her.

The Fay's arm snaked out and he pulled Alana back into his arms. "I will marry her today, and keep my end of the bargain, and I hope for your sake that you keep yours too, the entire world is in your hands! Do the right thing and save them!"

The archangels wings spread far and wide, as he prepared for flight. His heart pounded against his muscled chest. This was it, he knew that he would never hold Alana in his arms ever again, he knew that his child will never know and recognize him as a father. He wanted to die, the pain was much to heavy in his heart, but he was determined to fix the wrong he had done, he accepted his fate as the protector of Heaven and earth and was grateful for this one opportunity to redeem himself and save the world from hell.

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now