The Ailing Queen

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It was two weeks before New Year's Day, and the royal palace was in an uproar, the queen had fallen ill from the whooping cough and was bedridden. The King was heart broken that his wife was sick and demanded a Healer be brought to the palace to see to his wife.

"There must be someone that can cure the queen's sickness!" The King roared. "William, didn't you say that the commoner you took a liking to was a healer?"

"Aye father." William said anxiously.

"Then what are you waiting for? Your mother has been sick for days, go fetch her!"

"I will send the messengers, Sterlingshire is less than a days ride away." 

"Go on then, don't waste any more time, your mother's health depends on it!" 

William had never seen his father show this much affection towards his mother in a long time, perhaps, he thought, this would bring them closer together. 


The Royal messagers arrived mid afternoon to Sterlingshire, and were escorted inside the castle. Michael was alerted and he awaited their arrival in the Great Hall. The tallest of the two messengers  handed the scroll over to the Laird. 

Michael raised an eyes brow after he read the message and turned to look at Stephan angrily. "Who is this servant that is a healer and lives in my castle?" He roared. 

Stephan winked at his father and Michael raised an eye brow. 

"I will explain father, but it must be done in private." Michael wasted no time, he turned around and Stephan followed his father to the library, and shut the door behind him. After explaining to Michael who the servant was, he waited for his outburst. 

"You mean to tell me that the prince took liberties on Valerie body and she is no longer a maiden?"

"Aye, but Valerie gave herself of her own free will!"

Michael dropped his arse on the wooden chair and ran his fingers through his thick mane of black hair,  "And the bastard King believes that we will hand over Valerie without a fight after what his noble son has done to her?" Michael roared.

"Father I assure you, the Prince did not take Valerie's virginity against her will, she was a willingly participant. She loves him!" Stephan argued, "and it would be best to follow the Kings orders, unless you want to anger the King." 

"I don't give a rats arse about the King!" Michael roared. "

"Father, he will rule against us and try to take our lands away if you defy his orders! Is that what you want?" Stephan reasoned.

"He can try, but he will not succeed!"

"Nay, he can't, we are much stronger than him, but is it a good thing to be on his black list? He can convince the leaders of Scotland to band together and go against us, and we need their support for New Year's Day! You know your enemies would love to find reason to screw you over!"

Michael took a deep breath of inhalation, "Seth will hit the roof when he returns from the hunting grounds! How will I explain to him the very same people that he hid his daughter from by sending her to the Abby, have now taken her to the Royal place?"

"My cousin is a stubborn mule!He knows very well that what is written can never be unwritten! She is Williams soulmate, and nothing he does will stop fate from taking its course!" 

"Very well then, we shall send Valerie, but she must agree to it, I will not send her against her will!" Michael said. 

Stephan left the library in search of Valerie. His father did not know what he knew. A smile curved his lips when he thought of everything that will transpired between Prince William and Valerie. Stephan's visions were clear, and he knew that Valerie's fate was sealed, she would be Queen of Scotland one day!

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