The Rules of engagement

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Michael lay on his sleeping mat, his arms tightened around his wife's waist, and he pulled her against his muscled body. Taking a deep inhalation of breath, the warrior's nostril's  flared as he took in Kyra's scent. A masculine moan escaped his lips, he wanted to make love to his wife, having missed her desperately while he was away. 

The meeting took longer than normal, the committee was split in two. They did not come to a conclusion and decided to continue the next night with the deliberations. Only Michael understood exactly what was at stake. Stephan had explained everything to him. He was the Savior of the world and has read the universal imprints. Evil was coming and all their lives were in danger! Mayhap he should let his son speak at the next meeting! If he told them what he has read, mayhap they will listen, Michael thought, as he rolled on top of his wife. 

Kyra opened her eyes and Michael saw the need in them as he glided slowly inside his her. She was his life and he would stop at nothing to keep her safe. "Ta' gra' agam" he hoarsely whispered, before his lips claimed hers. 


Hawk stood on top of the small hill that over looked the massive land where thousand's of tents were spread out neatly one after another across the festival grounds. Taking a deep breath of inhalation, the Fay tried to push thoughts of Halloween day out of his mind, but was unsuccessful. He knew what awaited them if the votes don't go Michael's way. 

Everything seemed peaceful on this quiet night, but Hawk knew that that was not the case. The evil ones were preparing to strike on Halloween day, and if they don't start the rituals before that, all will be lost. The Fay looked up at the night sky, and the stars sparkled like tiny diamonds. He desperately searched for a falling star so he could wish upon it, but sadly, he could not find one. 


Silas rolled off the red head and jumped to his feet.

"Are you leaving me?" The beautiful woman asked, as she rested her head on her elbow.

The Druid looked down at her regretfully, aye she was beautiful, aye he wanted to stay all night with her, but he dared not! Wrapping his kilt around his tapered waist, Silas lifted the flap to the tent and turned around.

"I'm on duty tonight and I have to relieve Hawk of his post. Tomorrow perhaps we can go for a walk by the ocean, would you like that?" He asked her, knowing very well that he would not keep his word.

"Yes I would, I shall be waiting for you at noontime by the ocean front." She told him eagerly, as she cleverly pulled the light blanket away from her to reveal her firm and round breasts. 

Silas hungrily gazed at her breasts, and he was desperately tempted to drop himself back onto the sleeping mat and run his tongue over her nipples that had perked in anticipation, but he knew that he had to follow his code of conduct. Rule number one, never fall slave to a woman's body! Rule number two, never fall into a woman's trap and go back for more, rule number three, never ask them their name, and number four, never spend the whole night with them, because then you break the rules of engagement! 

The Druid exhaled before he walked out of the tent and dropped the flap. Re-adjusting his throbbing shaft that was pushing against the material of his kilt, Silas walked to the top of the hill to relieve Hawk of his duties. 

Hawk didn't even bother to greet the warrior, he quickly left and headed straight to his tent where Nessa was waiting for him with open arms. Dropping besides her, The Fay looked into her eyes and his heart skipped a beat. 

"My heart, have I told you today how much I love you?" He asked her hoarsely.

"About a million and one times!" She answered, in a husky tone of voice that caused Hawk's thick and long shaft to triple in size, but Hawk did not make a move, he just waited patiently.


"Well what?"

"You are about nine hundred ninety nine thousand times behind of telling me that you love me too!" He told her in a serious tone of voice.

Nessas lips curved into a smile, and she shifted her arse underneath him, pressing herself against his shaft. Hawk stiffened and held his breath, he nearly released his seed prematurely. A masculine moan escaped his sculpted lips and he closed his eyes.

"I'm not making love to you until you say it!" He said in a deep, tortured voice.

When his wife realized that he wasn't joking, she became desperate and said, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..."

The Fays mouth dropped on to hers and he kissed her passionately. She was his life, the sole reason of his existence. He loved her with a passion so strong that even the gods were jealous of them.


Children's laughter filled the air, as they basked in the sun and chased after each other across the evergreen blades of grass. The musicians tuned their instruments to prepare for yet another day of dancing, and the warriors strapped the lambs on the wooden spits and lit the many fires to cook the meat's,  while the women laid out the sweet honeyed scones, pastries and pies, that would be served throughout the day. 

Hundreds of venders decorated their tables with all kinds of goods, and prayed that they will make a hefty amount of gold on this day at the merchants mart, that was lined on the outskirts of the festival grounds. It was a glorious day, with the promise of a very successful one too.

Kalan marched across the land with only one thing in mind, to win back Violets heart, even if it was the last thing that he did! Dora watched the Fay, as she leaned against her tent, and a wide grin settled on her face. It was about time, she thought, that he took some kind of action. Her eyes then flew to the other side of the grounds where she witnessed Charles coming out of his tent followed by a masked women. 

The enchantress squinted her eyes and realized that it was the goddess. She watched as Aphroditis called out his name, and as he turned to face her, the beautiful goddess wiped the tears from her eyes and disappeared into thin air. Dora was saddened to see their relationship in turmoil. Those two deserved a chance at happiness, she thought, and wondered what could have gone wrong in the tent that caused the beautiful goddess to leave so soon. Charles looked devasted, as he threaded his fingers through his thick mane of golden hair.

Thank you for your votes and comments, they mean the world to me.  Xoxxoxoxoxxoxoxxo

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