My Wife

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James was the first to awaken, turning his head anxiously, he found Pauletta awake and staring at him with her beautiful, sparkling eyes. Her plump lips curved into a slow smile, and James felt overwhelmed with love. Pulling her into his strong and possessive arms he kissed her passionately

"My wife!" He said hoarsely, when he pulled his lips away from hers.

"My husband." Pauletta said back to him, and her heart swelled with love for James.

Did you sleep well?"

Pauletta nodded her head and snuggled closer to her husband. "James what happened last night at Time Square, I get the feeling that there was more than met the eye."

"Aye, there's more, and I will tell you all as soon as we return to our dimension"

Blinking her eyes a few times, Pauletta asked innocently, "When are we returning to your dimension?"

In answer, James rolled over his wife and he rubbed his swollen shaft against her womanhood, and watched as Pauletta turned fifty shades of red. "We will go as soon as I eat my breakfast!" He said hoarsely before his lips came crashing down to hers.

The Druid made love to his wife with a hunger that was wild and untamed. He worshipped every inch of her velvety skin. She was his and only his, no other had ever touched her body and this made him love her even more deeply.

When the warrior was done with his soulmate, he lay on his back exhausted and spent. She was all his now no one could ever take her away he thought with satisfaction.

Are you sure about that big boy? A small voice inside him said.

Fear coursed through his veins at the thought of someone else touching Paulette's naked body.

He turned his head and looked at Pauletta laying quietly and content besides him. His gut twisted with jealousy at the thought of another man stealing her from him.

"If anyone ever touches what is mine, I shall kill them with my bare hands." His tone sounded hoarse and possessive, and he rolled on top of Pauletta once again and pinned her arms over her head. "You belong to me now."

"What?" Pauletta asked, not sure what he meant by his words. 

"You are mine!" He told her and held his breath as if he was waiting for her to confirm it.

Pauletta looked up into his sky blue eyes, "Yes, I am yours James, I am all yours."

Pauletta saw the relief in his eyes before he dropped his face on the nape of her neck, she meant what she said, she will be with him and him alone, but did that mean that she could not be friends or talk to another man lest she be accused of cheating on him?



"What did you mean when you said I am yours?"

The warrior lifted his head and looked down at her, "I meant you are my wife, and no man can go near you!"

"Not even your father or your brothers."

"My father is deceased and my brothers already know to stay away from you." He told her, and wonders why she would ask him such a question.

"Is it wrong to be friends with your brothers?"

James raised an eye brow, "Why are you asking me this?" Jealousy was evident in his voice, and Pauletta wondered if this would be a problem in their marriage.

"I'm merely wondering why it would be a problem to hang out with your brothers, can't we be friends?"

"Nay!" James growled and rolled off his wife, "my brothers are horny bastards and will be ordered to stay away from you!"

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now