The Bastard Sons

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The Queen was never one to be jealous of the King, because she knew from day one that there was no sparks between them, and she also knew that her King had a wandering eye. She was no fool, from the first day they got married, her husband did his duty and then left her bed to sleep with a servant girl. Her eyes searched the Grand Ball room and rested on the Kings bastard son. One need only to look at the Kings third in command and know that he was from the Kings loins. The man was a spitting image of his father, and also sported the same black heart as him too.

She knew her husband secretly loved Raymond more than William, and she wondered if he ever suspected that William was not his son. she never told anyone her secret, Rufus didn't even know that that was his son. The Queen was afraid that if her secret was out, William was as good as dead, not to mention what they would do to Rufus. 

Walking away from the Grand Ball room, the Queen knew what she had to do. She must hurry and find   Valerie, dress her in riches and bring her to the Ball Room. She made a huge mistake allowing her husband to whip the young slave. Basillia was the one that should be whipped not Valerie, the Queen thought, as she hurriedly made her way to the slaves quarters. 

Wiping tendrils of golden locks away from her forehead with one hand, Valerie dipped the wet cloth into the pail of warm water and rinsed it out. She didn't even notice that the Queen had walked in until she heard her voice. 

"Stand and come before me child." The Queen commanded in a gentle voice. 

Valerie obeyed the queen's command. She dropped the cloth into the water, lifted herself to her feet, and walked over to where the Queen stood. "Your Masjesty." She said, and bowed before her. 

Queen Gordania looked at Valerie quietly, and realized for the first time something that she had overlooked. "Oh my," she said, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. "You are not a slave at all, you are an aristocrat!"

Valerie dropped her eyes to her feet, "My Queen, I don't think of myself as an aristocrat, I prefer to be called a Healer instead, if you don't mind."

"What clan are you from?" 

"The Macalister clan." Valerie said and waited for the Queen to show her hatred for her clan, everyone knew that the Macalisters and the Royals were enemies, but the queen's eyes shined bright with hope, and excitement. 

"Are you the child that was sent to the Abby?" The Queen asked, and held her breath for Valerie's answer. A witch once told her that her son would fall in love with a Druidess.

"He will fall in love with his kind," the witch had said, "she will be pure and will hold his heart forever. Many truths will be revealed, and hatred will take over. There will be blood shed before love prevails, keep your son away from the evil one, she holds his life in her hands and will try and destroy him, if she succeeds, the kingdom will perish, if she fails, you will gain all that you have ever dreamed of. Beware of the black sword, for the blood that drips from its tip, will change the course of history!"

"You are a Druidess!" The Queen said, "do you love my son?"

"More than life itself!" The Druidess's admitted shyly. 

"Then come with me, I can help you!" The Queen said, and walked away.

"Why would you want to help me?" Valerie asked as she followed the Queen out of the room. 

The Queen whirled around and faced Valerie, "My son is a Druid!" It was the first time that the Queen ever admitted this to anyone. "and you are his destiny, come with me so that I may help you find your happiness!" 


Prince William wanted to strangle Basillia, but instead he plastered a fake smile on his handsome face and whirled her around the dance floor. His heart ached for Valerie, and he wished that the music would stop so he could go to her.

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