I Want You

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Leathan stared at the elevator door without blinking. She walked out on him, no one had ever done that to him ever! 

"Mr. McNeil?" The secretary called out to him, "is everything all right?" 

The Fay warrior tried to stay calm and collective, but it was one of the hardest things he ever had to do. 


Turning on his heel, Leathan marched back to his office angrily.

'Mr. McNeil your next appointment is here....." She said as the door to her bosses office slammed shut.

It was not that she had spoken to him in such a way that belittled him at every turn, it wasn't even that she demanded in her own way an apology for ruining her coat, it was the control that he saw in her eyes, the drive to succeed at whatever cost, the need to rise above all others and the driving force that burned inside her that captivated him. 

Aye she was beautiful, but he had seen many beautiful women in his life, but no woman had ever stood up to him before. They all begged for his attention and threw themselves at him. She was different, in many ways, she was her own woman.

He wanted her badly, he wanted her like he never wanted another female in his entire life, and he swore that he would get her back! She was his, and he swore to himself that he would move heaven and earth to get her back!

Fool, you never had her! She doesn't belong to you, as a matter of fact, she probably hates your guts!! 

"Shut up! I will, get her back!" He yelled to himself. 

"Mr. McNeil are you all right?" The secretary said, as she stood in the doorway concerned that her boss had flown the coocoo's nest. 

Leathan whirled around and roared. "Get her back here, promise her the moon if you have to but bring her back!"

The woman could not believe the state her boss was in, "What about your next appointment?"

"Cancel all my appointments for today and get her back!" 

"Yes sir." The pretty woman said before she closed the office door and went back to her desk.

Throwing his huge, muscular body on the leather couch, Leathan ran his fingers through his thick mane of hair, and sighed. Thoughts of her body consumed him, what was underneath her clothes he wondered, was she wearing a thong, or mayhap she wasn't wearing anything at all! Did she moan when she made love, was she in control in bed, or was she submissive? We're her breasts round and firm? Would she moan with pleasure if he ran his tongue over her chocolate, velvety body? Images of her nipples pressing against her shirt had him aching and a masculine groan escaped his sculpted lips. He was going crazy!

Jumping off the couch, the Fay walked over to the bar, and poured himself a double whiskey, just as the door to his office opened wide.

"Mr. McNeil, I tried calling her three times and she wouldn't pick up. I left a message asking her to please call the office, is there anything else you want me to do?" 

"No! Just go away!"

The woman closed the door gently, and Leathan swallowed the whiskey in one gulp and threw his glass at the wall shattering it to tiny little pieces that scattered across the marble floor. "Damn her!" He cursed, and marched to his desk. 

Picking up Tinesha's resume, he found her number and dialed it, but she did not answer. He dialed again and again, but still, she did not answer. He had crossed the red zone line, he was obsessed with her!!!


"I didn't know you can needle point!" Amira told Valerie.  

"The nuns taught me." She responded, and focused on her task.

"What else did they teach you at the Abby?"

"Many things including how to cook, crochet, sew, and iron clothes." 

"Really? You can cook?"

Valerie nodded her head, but she was barely listening to what Amira was telling her, because her thoughts were consumed with the Prince. It had been a week since she saw him last, a full week full of agony. 

She tried to forget she ever met him, but images of his arms around her and his lips pressing against hers consumed her. Valerie deeply loved him but he didn't love her back! 

Sorry this is it for today, my eyes are closing, I'm very very sleepy, goodnight and GOD bless. Xoxoxoxo

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now